What to do what to do?
Hey folks,
Happy Tuesday to you. Seriously, Bad Economy, high Energy Costs and growing higher, losing more and more Jobs? The "Official" number of Unemployment is 9.8 percent, which EVERYONE knows and ADMITS to the fact, it is actually 17 percent. Even some in the Obama Administration. So what to do, what to do?
Well, the LOGICAL and REASONABLE, some would even say the INTELLIGENT thing to do, would be to use our resources and increase Jobs and Supply of Energy to DECREASE Costs and HELP the Economy in the process.
Think about that. It's amazing. Is it not? ONE thing. ONE. Bring down the cost of Energy. Bring down the unemployment number. Or at least ADD somewhere around 57,000 high paying, long lasting, REAL Jobs. Add Billions if not TRILLIONS to the Local and Federal Government Revenue stream. Which would decrease the Deficit? ONE thing. Just ONE could and WOULD do all these things.
So what does the Obama Administration do? The EXACT OPPOSITE! December 1st, 2010, Obama and Crew came out and said NO NEW Drilling. Period. For some fictitious 7 year period. According to Boston.com - White House won’t expand offshore drilling
Hey folks,

Well, the LOGICAL and REASONABLE, some would even say the INTELLIGENT thing to do, would be to use our resources and increase Jobs and Supply of Energy to DECREASE Costs and HELP the Economy in the process.
Think about that. It's amazing. Is it not? ONE thing. ONE. Bring down the cost of Energy. Bring down the unemployment number. Or at least ADD somewhere around 57,000 high paying, long lasting, REAL Jobs. Add Billions if not TRILLIONS to the Local and Federal Government Revenue stream. Which would decrease the Deficit? ONE thing. Just ONE could and WOULD do all these things.
So what does the Obama Administration do? The EXACT OPPOSITE! December 1st, 2010, Obama and Crew came out and said NO NEW Drilling. Period. For some fictitious 7 year period. According to Boston.com - White House won’t expand offshore drilling
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced yesterday that it had rescinded its decision to expand offshore oil exploration into the eastern Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic Coast because of weaknesses in federal regulation revealed by the BP oil spill.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that a moratorium on drilling would be in force in those areas for at least seven years, until stronger safety and environmental standards were in place. The move puts off limits millions of acres of the Outer Continental Shelf that hold potentially billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas.
And what happened right after this announcement? That's right, the price of Gas started to climb. Now $3.00 a gallon MANY places here in Sunny Florida.
The rest of this story is Gobbledygook. "We are thinking." No they are not. That is part of the problem. "We need to learn." No they are not even interested. They have an Agenda and they are sticking to it. "But we are looking at another potential sites." Complete and Utter BS. They are SAYING they are, but TALK is not going to do much. They will delay ANY new Drilling, or Production, by simply saying that they need to make sure it's safe with this and that study that could tie EVERYTHING up for YEARS to come. Meanwhile YOU will be losing YOUR Job. Paying $4.00 plus a Gallon of Gas. Skyrocketing Electric, Heating Bills, Food Costs, ETC.
Meanwhile China, and OTHER Foreign Government will be Drilling just fine off our shores. No problem with them using OUR resources to create Jobs for THEIR People and Increase THEIR Supply, and lower THEIR Costs. Drilling without falling under the insane Obama Regulations and Controls I might add. Meanwhile WE will have to PAY THEM more to use what WE should be getting for ourselves.
Like $4.00 a gallon? Like Sky High Energy Costs. LIKE Sky High Food Costs? Like High Unemployment? Thank Obama and Vote for him in 2012. This COMPLETELY Asinine decision is just another in a long line of Asinine decisions that depict EXACTLY why he is not fit for the Office of the President of the United States. Either he is completely incompetent, or he is doing this on purpose. Which one do you see as worse?
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The rest of this story is Gobbledygook. "We are thinking." No they are not. That is part of the problem. "We need to learn." No they are not even interested. They have an Agenda and they are sticking to it. "But we are looking at another potential sites."
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