Tax Rate Deal.
Hey folks,
I'm getting more and more annoyed as time goes on with this whole mess and I know you are too. I AM angry with the Republican Leadership, of whom is still the Country Club Blue Blood Types, that do not seem to have gotten the message. I'm upset with every News Outlet out there LYING about the new cost. But I'm even more upset with the Democrats.
First, it was all over the Radio, on TV, in Print, ETC. The new number is $1 TRILLION in new spending. Truth is, it doesn't have to cost a DIME. All they have to do is extend the Bush Tax RATES. That's all they have to do. It's not Tax Cuts. It's not an addition to the Deficient or Debt. It didn't exist for the last ten years, the $6 to $700 Billion, that everyone wants to keep throwing out there. It is not REAL. But we covered all that.
Problem is, there IS a cost now that both sides have started to add to, and condone the addition of, the Extension Bill. You have an Ethanol Subsidy, which is estimated to cost about $5 billion through 2011. Then $65 Billion in Unemployment Extensions. There are more being debated, and some are saying the cost is now about $855 Billion. That is counting what we already discussed to not be real of around $700 Billion in the extension of the Bush "Tax Cuts." So take that away, I count $70 Billion, some count $155 Billion in Pork.
Again, all they would have to do is extend the Rates, and it would cost NOTHING. But the Old Guard, both in the Democrat Party, and the Republicans, feel that the only way to get the deal done is BUY the Votes from those on the other side of the Isle. Basically, Politics as usual.
Here is why I'm getting more and more Ticked. Just the fact that the Old Guard in the Republican Leadership, who is doing everything they can, from filling support staff positions for the Newbies, the CONSERVATIVES who are arriving, with Yes People and Old Guard Republicans, to attempting to do as much as they can PRIOR to the Newbies arriving officially, do not seem to get what the Election meant. The Election was crystal Clear. NO MORE POLITICS AS USUAL. Here is what that means.
No more Governing against the Will of the People.
Smaller, less intrusive Government.
Cuts in Spending. No more Pork. No more Buying Votes.
Repeal and Defeat of the Liberal Agendas.
What it did not mean, was that we want a change in Leadership with R's after their names. We want TRUE Change. We do not want compromise. We want Conservatism. We do not want Washington to change Management, then operate under the same Rules it has been operating under for YEARS.
Am I willing to accept and go along with this Deal. Even if it means adding $70 to $155 Billion more? YES. Because my hope is, that come January, we will get more Chris Christies. We will get more Jim DeMints. We will get TRUE, and BOLD Conservatives in power that will GOVERN with Conservative Values. That we will have a House that will not be bought off, Shamed into, or intimidated into going along with the Blue Blood Country Club, Washington Elites. That what we will get is REAL Conservatives, that are ready to and willing to, make the tough decisions and CUT Government Spending. We can EASILY make up this little addition to the Debt and Deficient, by repeals, and better Budgeting and Spending.
Look, the Tax Rates HAVE to be extended. If that means that the Unemployment is as well, so be it. We can and BETTER Fix the more costly things in the VERY Near Future. I still have faith in those that we have Elected. Let's give them time to take office and lets see if they are up to the Job.
Hey folks,

First, it was all over the Radio, on TV, in Print, ETC. The new number is $1 TRILLION in new spending. Truth is, it doesn't have to cost a DIME. All they have to do is extend the Bush Tax RATES. That's all they have to do. It's not Tax Cuts. It's not an addition to the Deficient or Debt. It didn't exist for the last ten years, the $6 to $700 Billion, that everyone wants to keep throwing out there. It is not REAL. But we covered all that.
Problem is, there IS a cost now that both sides have started to add to, and condone the addition of, the Extension Bill. You have an Ethanol Subsidy, which is estimated to cost about $5 billion through 2011. Then $65 Billion in Unemployment Extensions. There are more being debated, and some are saying the cost is now about $855 Billion. That is counting what we already discussed to not be real of around $700 Billion in the extension of the Bush "Tax Cuts." So take that away, I count $70 Billion, some count $155 Billion in Pork.
Again, all they would have to do is extend the Rates, and it would cost NOTHING. But the Old Guard, both in the Democrat Party, and the Republicans, feel that the only way to get the deal done is BUY the Votes from those on the other side of the Isle. Basically, Politics as usual.
Here is why I'm getting more and more Ticked. Just the fact that the Old Guard in the Republican Leadership, who is doing everything they can, from filling support staff positions for the Newbies, the CONSERVATIVES who are arriving, with Yes People and Old Guard Republicans, to attempting to do as much as they can PRIOR to the Newbies arriving officially, do not seem to get what the Election meant. The Election was crystal Clear. NO MORE POLITICS AS USUAL. Here is what that means.
No more Governing against the Will of the People.
Smaller, less intrusive Government.
Cuts in Spending. No more Pork. No more Buying Votes.
Repeal and Defeat of the Liberal Agendas.
What it did not mean, was that we want a change in Leadership with R's after their names. We want TRUE Change. We do not want compromise. We want Conservatism. We do not want Washington to change Management, then operate under the same Rules it has been operating under for YEARS.
Am I willing to accept and go along with this Deal. Even if it means adding $70 to $155 Billion more? YES. Because my hope is, that come January, we will get more Chris Christies. We will get more Jim DeMints. We will get TRUE, and BOLD Conservatives in power that will GOVERN with Conservative Values. That we will have a House that will not be bought off, Shamed into, or intimidated into going along with the Blue Blood Country Club, Washington Elites. That what we will get is REAL Conservatives, that are ready to and willing to, make the tough decisions and CUT Government Spending. We can EASILY make up this little addition to the Debt and Deficient, by repeals, and better Budgeting and Spending.
Look, the Tax Rates HAVE to be extended. If that means that the Unemployment is as well, so be it. We can and BETTER Fix the more costly things in the VERY Near Future. I still have faith in those that we have Elected. Let's give them time to take office and lets see if they are up to the Job.
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