Comment Section goes Mainstream
Hey folks,

We will get to the Energy Front Tomorrow. I feel this to be a bit more important to visit today. It's going to take a bit to explain my comment to Peter, who seemed to have become offended when I used the statement "Chosen People" when I refereed to the Jews. He seemed to already become offended by another, "Irish Godfather," who left a comment prior. So I will attempt to explain my comment and the point to the entire Article posted Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Terrorists, Good Muslims or Bad Muslims?Now I have gotten what I expected to get. I even got some upset at what they saw as me calling all Muslims Bad. Some wondered privately, what Peter asked openly, how do I say Jews are the Chosen People of God. Especially since I am a Christian. So, I chose to do what I have done a few times in the past, take the Comment Section Mainstream and attempt to answer and expound on my original point.
Now the whole reason for writing the article was this. It was to point out the hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media, who were simply ATTACKING Lieberman for saying he was going to Vote against Obamacare. How they did it was not based on his actual STATEMENTS on the reason for his opposition, not the actual FACTS of what was and IS in the Bill, but it was Liberal Playbook, page one, Chapter 2. Attack the PERSON. Attack his Religious Beliefs. Attempt to shame him into going along with the program. The MMD, {Mainstream Media Drones, who simply report whatever they are told to} saw nothing offensive nor wrong with questioning his Faith. They saw nothing wrong with asking the question
"Is Lieberman a Good Jew or a Bad Jew." It is the same tactic that they use all the time whenever someone who is Conservative, or a Christian, screws up in anyway whatsoever. They attack the entire Religion, and or, the entire belief system of ALL Conservatives, and or Christians. Someone attacks America, kills 3000 innocent Americans, and we can NOT question THEIR Religion? Get the point?

My point is this. Since 1783 off the coast of, what is now Libya, Muslims regularly attacked American ships of commerce using the same tactics as they do today, Ransom, Beheading, Pillaging, and antagonism to peaceful commerce UNLESS the "Tax" was paid to the Muslim Caliph.
Hostages taken at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran 1979, May 1981 Threats from Libya, April 18, 1983 Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Oct. 23, 1983 Bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut, Dec. 12, 1983 Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait, March 16, 1984 CIA Station Chief William Buckley kidnapped, Sept. 20, 1984 Bombing of U.S. Embassy annex northeast of Beirut, Dec. 3, 1984 Hijacking of Kuwait Airways Flight 221, June 14, 1985 Hijacking of TWA Flight 847, October 1985 - January 1986 Hijacking of cruise ship Achille Lauro; Bombing of Rome, Vienna airports, April 5, 1986 Bombing of La Belle Discotheque, December 21, 1988 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, 1998 United States embassy bombings and USS Cole bombing in 2000, 9/11, November 5, 2009 Fort Hood, December 25, 2009, North American Flight 253. Just to name a few, ALL professing Islam. Yet, it is frowned upon to question Islam. This Administration will not even use the word Terrorists that freely. Nor will they dare link Muslims to Terrorists. Although, the history and the FACTS are clear. Yet, question the Christian Faith or one's Jewish Faith, well, that's just fine, because they are ignorant boobs anyway.
So to show the hypocrisy, I asked,
"Terrorists, Good Muslims or Bad Muslims?" Irish Godfather said this.
"There may be good Muslims out there but it's getting very hard to find them among the terrorist Muslims and my guns won't look for a difference if it ever comes to that.."
In which Peter replied this way.
"Wow. I assume "irishgodfather" is Irish. Do you know the history of oppression of your (mine, too) people? To wish that kind of blind hatred on any people is simply ignorant. But why expect more from an Irishman? And.. I thought people killed people, not guns. I wish you gun people could get it right. I think my guns don't discern among stupid people... if it ever comes to that."Me:
"Hey Peter,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you stopped by.
I'll let Irish Godfather speak for himself. He is not shy. {Smile} But what I took his comment to mean is that he doesn't care WHAT anyone is. If they are terrorists, that is what they are, and he will not take time out to ask questions if they come a calling for him or his own. Neither would I.
However, YOUR comment here proves EXACTLY what my point was. David Gibson of Politics Today, was asking, in an attempt to SHAME Joe Lieberman into Voting for Obamacare, if he was truly following his Religion. Good Jew or Bad Jew. Kinda reminded me of someone talking about a Dog. Good dog or bad dog. My point was that's offensive and WAY out of bounds.
Now I like Joe. I do not agree with many of his Views on Politics, but I appreciate the fact he DOES stand up for what he believes in no matter what. I, unlike this Administration, AM friends of the Jews. I both respect them and believe that they ARE God's Chosen People that have been more repressed and prosecuted than ANY other group of people in history regardless of the reason.
So when I asked the question, are terrorist Good Muslims or Bad Muslims, I got what I figured I would get. Even in the Emails I got some telling me that my question is Racist, and they should not be surprised since I'm a Conservative Christian. {Which means in some people's warped and ignorant mind, that I am a Racist, bigoted, Chauvinistic, Homophobes. Which couldn't be farther from the truth. But that's the Lib Playbook. Page one, chapter 2.}
However, questioning Joe's Jewish Faith, Mitt Romney's Mormonism, or ANY ONE'S Christian Faith, is just hunky dory. Reasonable even, for the well being of the future of the Country. Yet Muslims? Even though EVERY attack on America has been conducted by those professing Islam. Yet we can not question their faith, that would be intolerant. Right?"Then Peter claimed that I did not post his response. Not true, I never got it, so I told him to resubmit it and I would make sure it posted. He did. Here it is. With my response to him added in.
"I'll try to replicate my previous comment that never showed up. It went something like this:"Thank you for re-posting it. Like I said, I do not censor. The only posts I do not allow is Spam. I'm not sure what happened to your original, but thank you for taking the time to resubmit.
"First, the is no such thing as good Muslims or bad Muslims or good Jews or bad Jews or good Christians or bad. There are simply PEOPLE who commit bad deeds."I agree with you to a point. However, when you have a history like we have

involving one specific group of people, we have to at least look into one possible motivation. It is not Christians or Jews going around blowing up innocent people on a recurring bases over hundreds of years. It IS Muslims. Now, I'm sure that there are many who feel Islam is peaceful. Yet we do not see any of those Peaceful Muslims pointing out the Evil and the wrong that those committing these acts of Terror are in. Yet, it is taboo and not PC to question if their Faith plays a role in these attacks?
"Until we can learn to live without these silly labels (Chosen People!??) we will never know peace. Until we can get beyond assuming some people are better than others (Chosen People!?? - this implies some people are NOT chosen; See?)"Their not. I'll get into this in a bit. Just like it is NOT a fact that we are all Children of God. We are all God's Creation. But we are NOT all Children of God.
"we will always know conflict."As long as there are those that wish to rule over all, yes we will.
"By treating people differently, then giving them special status you instantly create resentment. (This line of giving certain peoples special treatment always seemed odd to me - especially coming from conservatives. It's such a NON-conservative thing to do. It's just such a fundamental principle of the right to discourage entitlements, special treatment, to support a free market and in general to have government stay out of the way.) It's another one of those conflicts of this line of thinking."Hmm, Special treatment based on Skin Color? Like Affirmative Action? Like forbidding one to question one Faith while attacking another? I agree with you. But that is more Liberal than Conservative. I have said, MANY times. If we are to have TRUE equality, we must treat all EQUALLY. The good, bad, and yes, even the ugly.
"Now for your final paragraph. This about sums it all up, doesn't it? Where to begin? I, personally, question EVERY faith - even my own! If you don't, you are merely blind - and ignorant. How can you learn ANYTHING without questioning? And to imply that Islam isn't questioned is preposterous. Ever watch the news? How about listen to AM radio? Religions have always raised more questions than they have answered. Religion by nature is a series of questions and leaps. Only you have the answers in your heart."I agree with you here as well. I have written about and discussed many times over the years that there is a MAJOR difference in personal Faith, and Man-Made Traditions called Religion. I feel STRONGLY, that one must be careful, and YES, indeed question ANY Man-Made Tradition.
My own personal litmus test, if you will, is the Bible. If it is NOT in God's Word, I do not follow it. If some one tells me that I can not eat meat on Friday, drinking any amount of alcohol is a Sin, wearing Red is the evil, or killing people who do not believe as I do is Righteous, then I chose to follow God and not man. I chose to follow Jesus. I chose to believe in HIS words. I do not hold judgement over anyone for how they chose to believe or live, that is between them and whatever, or no, god they chose to accept. I will talk to them about God all day long if they ask. However, in the end, the choices we make in life are our own. I am guilty of enough to condemn me, yet thought the grace of God I am Saved from that. So why should I condemn another? I do not. I chose to see more importance in the one on one Relationship with God, than I do Religion. Many Religions have Dark Periods. Some more so than others. It is when Man chooses to act on his translations of what he THINKS God says, and NOT follow what God actually does say.
"And finally. EVERY attack on America has been conducted by those professing Islam? I hadn't realized Timothy McVeigh was a Muslim."I'll give you THAT one. Although there are many that claim he was converted during Desert Storm, and that he had help by Muslim Terrorist, I have found no serious concrete PROOF of that. But he WAS a sympathizer. THAT is well documented. None of the rest of you examples are attacks on America. They may be the works of the evils of man's heart, which is evil continuously, but not the topic at hand.
As for me being Xenophobic? Nope. I love people of all nationalities, religions, and backgrounds. I have attended and hosted many "World Summit Dinners" where people representing the entire world was in attendance. I have no problem with, and fully understand WHY, so many people want to come here. Come here LEGALLY and attempt to become part of, this, the greatest Country on the face of the planet, I welcome you with open arms. Come here to steal, kill, and destroy, and yes, sorry, I will fight you to the death. BIG DIFFERENCE!

OK. Jews are God's chosen people. That is just a simple fact. God has always shown us great things, by using the least. Many wonder why God Chose the Jews, I personally feel that it is because they ARE the most oppressed people in history. All the way up to today. There is a vast difference in being a Jew, and following Judaism. You can be a Jew, and not be Jewish. You can be anything, and join any religion, but the Jews are a RACE of people. From the beginning. Jesus was a Jew. Born into the Jewish family of Mary and Joseph. Son of a Carpenter who became a Rabbi. It was be the Jews rejecting him, that Salvation was opened to all. That does not change the fact, that even though most of the Jews at the time rejected him, they were God's Chosen. Out of the least, came the Greatest.
The Simplicity of God's plan is astonishing. However, it is in that very simplicity that Mankind gets so lost. It is Man that complicates things by corrupting that simplicity into a bunch of rules and regulations, do's and don'ts, traditions set forth to attempt to make one "FEEL" more righteous or closer to God. Then, in all these traditions set forth by Man, we see time and time again, that Man CHANGES an incorruptible God, into the image of corruptible Man. "Do this or God will condemn you to Hell" Which by the way, is not in the Bible either. "Give us all your money, or else." "Kill the infidels." ETC. God has made it simple for ALL to find him. All to accept HIS plan. It is Man that complicates it.
I will not bow before a statue. I will not pray to this Saint or that Saint. I will not pray in vain repetitions. I will not become a Vegetarian. I will not refrain from wearing cloths I like, drinking an occasional glass of Wine or having a Beer here or there. I will not fast because someone tells me to. I will not condemn someone else. I will not kill innocent people. I will question any Religion that tells me I should. I WILL follow Jesus the Christ. I WILL follow, to the best of my ability, what God says. Not Man. I WILL attempt to be accepting of all, until they give me a reason not to. I will NOT judge how others live their lives, unless they are attempting to take mine. Or unless they are attempting to FORCE me to live theirs. Sorry, but it really is not that complicated. Good is Good. Evil is Evil. You are either with God, or you are against Him.
PBS- Terrorist Attacks on Americas
Islamic Terror Attacks on American Soil