Sunday, December 06, 2009

Now You Are Hicks, Ignorant, And ANGRY

 Flu  Pathology
Health and Science 120609

Hey folks,

In our health and Science segment this week, we are going to be looking at this new study. My first concept when reading this was "Great. Now You Are Hicks, Ignorant, And ANGRY. You bitter clingers that cling to your Bibles and Guns. You Christians out there that hate everyone that does not like you. Now this proves that it is because you are less educated." But as I think about it, I really find myself wondering in what direction they are going to go with this. There are many that they could.

According to Live Science- Study Reveals the Angriest Americans Andrea Thompson Senior Writer – Thu Dec 3, 2:35 pm ET

Anger is more likely among the young, those with children at home, and the less educated, a new study finds.

{Laughing} So you dumb morons that believe in family, stay at home Moms, and would rather actually EARN a living, are the most angry people. You do not know any better.

A national survey of 1,800 Americans aged 18 and older questioned participants on how and when they feel angry in order to build "a broader social portrait of anger in the United States," said study researcher Scott Schieman, now at the University of Toronto.

These angry emotions range from mild annoyance to yelling and feelings of outrage.

That's terrible. You mean anger is an normal emotion?

While anger is a normal human emotion, it could be detrimental if you hold on to it too long. And those who express their anger might actually live longer than those who keep it bottled in, one study found.

So it's GOOD for you. You mean that IED is GOOD for you?

The results of the survey, conducted in 2005 and to be published next year, showed several key connections to anger.

2005? So why now? You always have to wonder what the agenda is with these people.

For one, people under 30 experienced anger of all forms or intensities more frequently than did older adults. This was mainly due to the fact that young people are more likely to be affected by three core stressors that can trigger angry feelings, Schieman said:

Time pressures
Economic hardship
Interpersonal conflict at the workplace

Time pressures had the strongest link to anger, especially low-grade versions termed "feelings of annoyance," the study found.

Work BAD!

Those who were under financial strain tended to report higher levels of anger, a connection that could be particularly important in today's flagging economy, Schieman noted. The financial influence tended to be stronger among women and younger adults.

Poorly paid work REALLY Bad. Wait, would that not mean Obama and Crew's Economic Policy is REALLY ticking some off? Nah, not his fault that they fall into these categories. Right? They are just angry naturally.

Having children was also associated with angry feelings and behaviors, such as yelling, particularly in women, the survey found.

So the more you have, the worst it is for you? Get the point?

"There's obviously a lot of joys and benefits that come with parenthood," but other aspects of parenting, such as having to discipline a misbehaving child, can cause feelings of anger and annoyance, Schieman said.

So don't discipline them?

Those with fewer years of education were also more likely to report feelings of anger and were less likely to respond proactively in a situation that made them angry (for example, talking about what made them angry).


"It underscores the power of getting more education," Schieman said. Education has been linked to feeling more self-control, which could be why those with more education tend to manage their anger more proactively, he told LiveScience.

OK? So the Elite amongst us are the most happy?

Schieman's findings will be detailed in a chapter of the forthcoming International Handbook of Anger, to be released in January 2010.

Sorry, but most Liberals I know, actually, the most "Highly Educated" people I know regardless of their Political affiliations, are the most ANGRY people I know. Working countless hours just to get the next paycheck is not healthy for you either. A wise man once said to me, "You know, it really is sad. People spend most of their lives trying to stay one step ahead of the grave, and the majority of the time, THAT is what puts them there."

So you see, there are MANY different ways that they can go with this. There is a purpose for it coming out now. There always is. However, as I see it, anger is just a normal emotion. Yes, some need help controlling it, but I'm not sure you can issue a blanket statement like Poor, stay at home, high school graduated Females are angrier than say a well to do, highly educated Male. That would be chauvinistic, would it not?

Live Science- Study Reveals the Angriest Americans

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