Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Continuing Saga of CPS Running Out Of Control


Hey folks,

Happy Tuesday to you. Today is Super Tuesday number? Anyway, it is a big day in North Carolina and Indiana. To my friends in those states, remember, VOTE for the person you want. The person you feel is the best one for the job. Make sure THAT is what you tell anyone who asks. {Smile} Of course, check back here tomorrow for the results.

But right now I want to talk about this. As you know, I really am on a bit of a quest. CPS / DCF, or whatever they are called in your area, is WAY out of control. They REALLY need to have some regulations. They have UNLIMITED power to absolutely destroy families and do irreputable harm to innocent children. Those same children they have claimed to be helping. I have been doing a series on this, and point out to you whenever another incident becomes known. See here for a history of what I am talking about.

Well, I go this in the Emails and I have to share it. It is by Columnist Lew Rockwell, I do not have a link, nor do I know where it was printed, But it goes to the very HEART of what I am talking about. Here it is.


"Christopher Ratte, professor in the department of classics at the University of Michigan, was recently turned into a jailbird and had his son taken away from him, all in the name of protecting the child from the father. He had taken his 7-year-old son to a baseball game in Detroit and ordered him lemonade. What was served up was a 'Mike's Hard Lemonade,' which his son prepared to drink. Suddenly security arrived.

" 'You know this is an alcoholic beverage?' the security guard asked. 'You have got to be kidding,' responded the professor. And before the professor could examine the bottle, the guard snatched it away, and the boy was taken to the hospital where no traces of alcohol were found in him. The boy was then promptly put in foster care. It was two days before the mother, a professor of architecture, was allowed to take him home, and a full week before the father was allowed to come back into the home again.

"The case provides a remarkable look at the workings of bureaucracy. The Detroit Free Press interviewed all the people involved. It turns out that no one was happy about what happened, but the gears of the bureaucracy ground away, ruining peoples' lives for no good reason.

"The cop on duty thought it was a mistake, but his supervisor was insisting that he act. When Child Protective Services came to take the child away into their cruel foster care, the police objected. But CPS was just doing its duty. It had no choice but to take the child since the police had requested a court order - also triggered by events - to remove the child.

"Observers who know the system say that the only surprising aspect to this case is that child was returned so quickly. Had the couple been poor, uneducated, and unconnected, the case might still be tied up in the courts.

"The lesson many people draw from this is that social workers are being given too much authority, that governments need to be reformed so that they do not take extreme measures too hastily, that cops need to use good sense before busting up families, etc. The problem is that all of these reforms ultimately depend on the state to use its discretionary power judiciously."

- Columnist Lew Rockwell

Folks, WE NEED CONTROL over CPS, and DCF. They LOSE children in their custody. Children are abused in their care. Yet with no evidence of abuse, not FACTS, nor cause whatsoever, they can destroy happy and healthy families. Although no charges were leveled against this Father or Mother, they shall now forever have a record. A second complaint? Valid or not? The kid is gone. It is that simple, and that scary. Something needs to be done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lew Rockwell is a well know Libertarian writer and worked for Ron Paul.