Sunday, September 23, 2007

IWA For Sunday 0923074

Hey folks,

It’s SUNDAY!! Time for the IWA. This weeks winner is a man that cannot make up his mind as to how he wants to be seen as. First Republican, then Democrat, then Independent. But from his actions we know, without a single solitary doubt, he is Liberal. This is not why he is the winner.

This is a man who has said that he was thinking of spending Millions of his own money to run for President. He was thinking of, and may still, get into the race as an “Independent.” He has no chance of winning. He has not shown he cares about the City he is in charge of. He has raised taxes, curtailed rights, and really shown he is pretty much clueless. This is not why he is this weeks winner.

THIS is why he is this weeks winner. He planned on, not only allowing, but escorting a man that wants to destroy America. A man that wants to wipe Israel off the map. A man that just said,

"The General Assembly of the United Nations is a good opportunity to present the solutions of the Iranian people to solve the problems of the world."


"The General Assembly of the United Nations is a good opportunity to present the solutions of the Iranian people to solve the problems of the world."

He claims he has the answers. All we have to do is convert or die and the “problems of the world” will go away.

This weeks winner, wanted to escort this Terrorist and Dictator to the worse attack in US history. He wants to give him some kind of credibility. Little Hitler, due in town today, is also linked to killing US troops, working on a illegal Nuclear Program and denying the Holocaust in one breath, while saying he wants to wipe Israel off the map in another.

Yes folks, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is without a doubt, the Idiot of the Week this week. When asked if he would denounce the decision by Ultra Looney Left Columbia University for asking Little Hitler to speak there, He said this.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg declined to criticize Columbia, saying it could invite who it wanted, but added: "Personally, I wouldn't go to listen him."

Well, that’s comforting. I’m glad to hear that Mikey. Unfortunately we HAVE to allow Little Hitler to come to NY to go to the UN, but, BIG BUT, we do not have to allow him to do another damn thing. He does not dictate to US what he will and will not do here. We tell him. He needs to come, speak at the UN, be escorted back to the plane after, and seen out of the country.

Congratulations Mikey, for wanting to play with the Dictator and New Hitler, you ARE the idiot of the Week. No doubt about it! Save your money, no one will vote for you for President.

AFP -Iranian president set for chilly reception in New York


Unknown said...

I so agree.

Peter said...

Pretty obvious isn't it?