Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dems Are Dems

Hey folks,

Why is this even remotely a surprise? According to the AP-Democrats reject general's Iraq plan By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer

A day before President Bush's war address, Senate Democrats rejected a four-star general's recommendation to keep some 130,000 troops in Iraq through next summer and sought legislation that would limit the mission of U.S. forces.

Their proposal was not expected to set a deadline to end the war, as many Democrats want, but restrict troops to narrow objectives: training Iraq's military and police, protecting U.S. assets and fighting terrorists, Democratic party officials told The Associated Press.

The goal is to attract enough Republicans to break the 60-vote threshold in the Senate needed to end a filibuster. Democrats have proved unable to do that since they took control of Congress eight months ago.

They will not be able to do it. Bush will veto any attempt to micro manage the war. They are STILL attempting to strip the President from his Commander and Chief role. They will not be able to do it. This doesn’t stop them from being who and what they are.

"I call on the Senate Republicans to not walk lockstep as they have with the president for years in this war," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said at a news conference. "It's time to change. It's the president's war. At this point it also appears clear it's also the Senate Republicans' war."

No it isn’t. It’s America’s war. Traitor Reid is lying to you. As usual. In the face of all the good news. Even Clinton coming back from Iraq saying there is progress. There is progress in the political front now as well, they are getting DESPERATE to end this war with a loss for America. Desperate.

Democrats struggled to regain momentum in the war debate after two days of testimony by Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker.

Petraeus said the 30,000 troop buildup begun this year had yielded some gains and needed more time. He recommended slowly reversing the buildup, drawing down about 5,500 soldiers and Marines by year's end and aiming for a force of 130,000 next summer.

Reid and other Democrats said that proposal does not go far enough.

They got smacked down by Petreaus. They looked like the fools they are. The American people heard the truth. Now they are panicked and trying to find a quick end.

"It creates and provides an illusion of change in an effort to take the wind out of the sails of those of us who want to truly change course in Iraq," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

It was the truth Moron.

In a bold challenge to Petraeus' assessment, Reid said the "situation on the ground in Iraq has not changed at all." He later acknowledged gains in Anbar province, "but it's like the big balloon that you push on one side and it comes out someplace else."

Sorry Traitor Reid. I would rather listen to someone THERE. Actually fighting the war. Not someone sitting a desk in Washington, taking orders from So would more and more Americans, the more they actually hear the truth. Even Liberal polls are finding this out.

They tried to down play this, but according to Reuters.

Just 30 percent of Americans approve of Bush's handling of Iraq, but that was an 8-point jump from July, said the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

The boost came primarily from Republicans, men and independents, NBC reported.

They NEED the Independents if they hope to win in 08. They are really scared now with this 8 percent increase in approval. Make no mistake about it. Then with the President’s expected announcement of 30 thousand troops coming home? Watch the number go up.

Now the LWL {Left Wing Loonys} are saying that’s not enough. {Sigh} The truth is really simple. As I have been telling you since the LWL took over the Democrat party. Dems are Dems, and they are nuts.

AP-Democrats reject general's Iraq plan
Reuters -Bush rating on Iraq improves, new poll finds

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