Sunday, September 09, 2007

IWA For Sunday 090907

Hey folks,

Yup, no big surprise again this week. Sorry. But for an elected official, in Congress, at a time of war, to degrade and besmirch the military, to use their very lives as political pawns, and to make statements like this, he is not only an idiot, but he should be thrown out of office.

“Let me be clear. The violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from Al-Qaeda said to these tribes, "We have to fight Al-Qaeda ourselves." It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace here, created a temporary peace here.”

Of course I’m talking about NY Senator Chucky Scummer. Do I have any regrets from what I said on Friday? Nope. Schumer Needs To Officially Join The Jihad

There has been NOTHING but good news coming from Iraq. The surge is working. They move on to Political Progress. Well, Political Progress is starting to take shape, so NOW? Hell, even Katie Couric came back saying that there is significant progress in Iraq. EVERYONE that goes there sees it. So NOW? They HAVE to admit that there is good news, but it’s NOT because of us. {Laughing}

It’s really not funny folks. It really isn’t. But sometimes it is REALLY hard for me to lower my intellect to their level and attempt to make any kind of sense of it. It’s really hard getting low enough intellectually to look Schumer in the eye when he says things like this.


The simple truth is, Chuck boy needs to join Jihad. He is already helping them out. He is already putting down our troops. He is already a Traitor. Just go for it Chucky. Just go for it.

I’ll tell you the truth. If I was the President, or even if I was in Congress, I would be calling for Schumer’s resignation. You, as an American that loves this GREAT country, should be calling for it. Make as much noise about this as you can make. Let’s make it so hard for the Mass Media to ignore this that they HAVE to comment on it. Let’s make sure that anytime someone like the Scummer himself, Murtha, Pelsoi, Reid, or anyone else disparages, degrades, or attempts to use our men and women in uniform’s very lives for political gain, that they pay a dear price. That they find that these brave men and women are fighting and dying for THEM, just as much as for us. They should NEVER have to hear garbage like this.

Am I questioning Schumer’s Patronage? Your Damn right I am. He has none. He is NOT supportive of the troops. He wants to see America loose. He seeks the same Tyranny that Supreme Leader Wannabe Hillary wants. He needs to leave. They ALL need to be stopped. Period.

Congratulations Chucky, not only are you the Idiot of the Week, you are in the top 5 for Idaiot of the Year. Did I meant, you should also be thrown out of office?

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