Hey folks,
Really Busy Sunday, so let’s get right to it. Keep scrolling down, FIVE more articles to come. First up, Seymour Hersh. He began his career as a police reporter. But since then, he has risen to become one of the most important investigative journalists in the history of American journalism. So they claim. Hersh first made a name for himself in 1969 by uncovering the My Lai Massacre during

Hersh just gave an interview with Spiegel Online. The following are some excerpts from this interview that more than not, shows just how infected he has become with BDS {Bush Derangement Syndrome} and how he seems to be reduced to merely a puppet for the Anti-War crowd.
They start off by saying this.
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has consistently led the way in telling the story of what's really going on in Iraq and Iran. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke to him about America's Hitler, Bush's Vietnam, and how the US press failed the First Amendment.
What’s really going on in Iraq and Iran? Actually, General Petreaus just told us that. So did many people that just visited there. So did Supreme Leader Wannabe Hillary actually. But HE is telling the truth? Yeah, OK.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is this just another case of exaggerating the danger in preparation for an invasion like we saw in 2002 and 2003 prior to the Iraq War?
Hersh: We have this wonderful capacity in America to Hitlerize people. We had Hitler, and since Hitler we've had about 20 of them. Khrushchev and Mao and of course Stalin, and for a little while Gadhafi was our Hitler. And now we have this guy Ahmadinejad. The reality is, he's not nearly as powerful inside the country as we like to think he is. The Revolutionary Guards have direct control over the missile program and if there is a weapons program, they would be the ones running it. Not Ahmadinejad.
This guy is completely ignorant. Or worse yet, completely LYING about the reality of this situation. Little Hitler, as I have called him long before ANYONE, has complete and TOTAL control. He is even over their Supreme Leader. He is in complete control of the Revolutionary Guard. Who do you think they answer to. Idiot. Completely wrong on all of this.
This is one of the main reasons Hitler, the original, was able to rise to the power and position he ha. People were constantly disregarding him, appeasing him, and pretty much ignoring him. They failed to LISTEN to what HE said. Until it was too late. Now it’s happening again. And HE Ahmadinejad is rising just like the first. HE is telling us what his goals are. But here is Hersh, downplaying his importance, disregarding what he is saying, and wishing to appease him.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Where does this feeling of urgency that the US has with Iran come from?
Hersh: Pressure from the White House. That's just their game.
Protection for America is just a game. Nice. Glad to see this guy has an once of intelligence. Well, maybe not.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Even after Iraq? Aren't there strategic reasons for getting so deeply involved in the Middle East?
Hersh: Oh no. We're going to build democracy. The real thing in the mind of this president is he wants to reshape the Middle East and make it a model. He absolutely believes it. I always thought Henry Kissinger was a disaster because he lies like most people breathe and you can't have that in public life. But if it were Kissinger this time around, I'd actually be relieved because I'd know that the madness would be tied to some oil deal. But in this case, what you see is what you get. This guy believes he's doing God's work.
So now he attacks the President’s faith. But of course, he’s more intelligent than the President. He knows more about the truth. He has the answers. No really. Get this.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: So what are the options in Iraq?
Hersh: There are two very clear options: Option A) Get everybody out by midnight tonight. Option B) Get everybody out by midnight tomorrow. The fuel that keeps the war going is us.
This guy has completely lost it, or completely sold out. Even Clinton, Obama, and Edwards just told the world, even if they are elected, they will NOT end this war. This maybe one of the reasons the LWL pulled out this Dinosaur to start denouncing the President and the war. They feel that his 1970 Pulitzer Prize will give their voice more credibility. They are trying everything to end this war before 08.
What does he think of the surge working so well?
Hersh: The Surge means basically that, in some way, the president has accepted ethnic cleansing, whether he's talking about it or not. When he first announced the Surge in January, he described it as a way to bring the parties together. He's not saying that any more. I think he now understands that ethnic cleansing is what is going to happen. You're going to have a Kurdistan. You're going to have a Sunni area that we're going to have to support forever. And you're going to have the Shiites in the South.
Sounds like he is backing the “Splitting” idea? Who knows. Who cares. I bet the President is happy to know that he accepts ethnic cleansing. {Sigh} The sad thing is, he most likely will not even acknowledge Hersh’s claim here. He is above getting into the gutter with these losers. But it would be nice see.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: If the Iraq war does end up as a defeat for the US, will it leave as deep a wound as the Vietnam War did?
Hersh: Much worse. Vietnam was a tactical mistake. This is strategic. How do you repair damages with whole cultures? On the home front, though, we'll rationalize it away. Don't worry about that. Again, there's no learning curve. No learning curve at all. We'll be ready to fight another stupid war in another two decades.
That speaks for itself folks.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Of course, preventing that is partially the job of the media. Have reporters been doing a better job recently than they did in the run-up to the Iraq War?
The job of the media is to report news. Report FACTS. Those that read or view them are to decide for themselves. Not MAKE the news, or demand what the viewer or reader believes. Not further agendas. Not CONTROL the news. But their job is to REPORT the news. But here is what the genius said.
Hersh: Oh yeah. They've done a better job since. But back then, they blew it. When you have a guy like Bush who's going to move the infamous Doomsday Clock forward, and he's going to put everybody in jeopardy and he's secretive and he doesn't tell Congress anything and he's inured to what we write. In such a case, we (journalists) become more important. The First Amendment failed and the American press failed the Constitution. We were jingoistic. And that was a terrible failing. I'm asked the question all the time: What happened to my old paper, the New York Times? And I now say, they stink. They missed it. They missed the biggest story of the time and they're going to have to live with it.
{Laughing hard, banging hand on desk} He is mad at the NYTs. He just said they “stink.” I guess them faking facts, lying, and faking photos was not enough for Mr. Hersh.
Sorry, but after reading this garbage spewing out Hersh’s mouth, I couldn’t care less about his 1970 Pulitzer Prize. His own words, “Option A) Get everybody out by midnight tonight. Option B) Get everybody out by midnight tomorrow.” “We'll be ready to fight another stupid war in another two decades.” “When you have a guy like Bush,” {Leaving out the fact it’s PRESIDENT Bush} Saying he is lying, omitting things, denouncing the danger of Little Hitler, and saying the most liberal paper on the face of the planet, wasn’t liberal enough, I see him as nothing more than a puppet. A truly sad one at that.
Spiegel Online -'The President Has Accepted Ethnic Cleansing'