Sunday, July 26, 2009

Me On Obama

Preview for Sunday 072609

Hey folks,

{Banging hand on desk} OK. OK. I give. I tap out! I told you what this whole Prime Time thing was going to be. It was. I told you who Obama IS. He PROVED it with his own words. I did NOT miss anything. I have been telling you what Obama is and what he wants to do long before MOST.

I also know, wait, Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog Big Sunday Edition. Glad you could stop by. I also know that you folks out there, well, most of you true OPNers out there, are SMART. You do not need me to break this down for you by the syllable. I know, I know, some of my more Liberal friends just do not get it. But YOU folks do.

But OK. Some of you who have found the new Email and elsewhere, really want my honest opinion of Obama and the last few days. Alright. I will tell you. First, coming right up today?

Barack Obama IS a Racist
Health Reform’s Hidden Victims
Swine Flu Vaccines, Good or Bad?
Swine Flu Shots Mandated at Schools
IWA for Sunday 072609

By the way, the new Email is the one you all need to use. A lot of you have got it, but to be honest with you, I'm still waiting for a couple of regulars out there who send me some GREAT stuff. I haven't heard from you. ONE MORE TIME. Please do not send anything to the old Email. I will not get it. I have no way of getting it. You must change it to the new one, once again,

OK. Now to Obama. Where do I start? His Obamacare Speech. I told you it was going to be nothing more than a Snake Oil Salesman pitching his Snake Oil. That's what it was. He lied through his teeth. He made up numbers. Many, including the AP had Fact Check reports after it that PROVED he lied through his teeth. He does not care.

Talk about not caring. Under Obamacare THEY, the Government, will also decide who will live or die. I have a question. In reality, is it Elder Care? Or End of Life Care?

That should tell you all you need to know. But again, I have been telling you this. Remember, Obamacare is based on Daschle's concept that old people should just get out of the way. I will be highlighting a GREAT piece from the Wall Street Journal in a few minutes on Obamacare.

What about Victory in the War? He just said we are fight two wars? Really? But Victory is not the goal? We all know why. He wants to be friends with Muslim lead countries. He sees America in a very similar way as those that want to kill us. But he actually said, Victory is not the goal.

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.

Emperor Hirohito did not sign the surrender, but regardless, Victory is not the goal?

"We're not dealing with nation states at this point. We're concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda's allies," he said. "So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to make sure they can't attack the United States."

Yeah. By BEATING them. If Victory is not the goal, then how do you come to a conclusion? Where is the deciding line? You make sure an Enemy does not attack you anymore by BEATING them. Achieving Victory.

"We are confident that if we are assisting the Afghan people and improving their security situation, stabilizing their government, providing help on economic development ... those things will continue to contract the ability of Al Qaeda to operate. And that is absolutely critical," Obama told ABC News.

Then what? He is completely ignorant. Or, he does not want to kill to many of those he wants to actually be friends with. He has empathy for them. He sees things in many the same ways. SCREW Israel, but he feels for Muslims and Muslim lead countries. He sees THEM as the victims. He said so. Remember, he compared Muslims to Black American Slaves?

As for Race? I'll highlight that is just a few minutes also. Folks, you really do not need me or anyone else to spell out who Obama really is. You really don't. All you have to do is listen. All you have to do is hear what he says. All you have to do is pay attention to what the Congress is trying to do. Learn the facts. Understand the reality of the consequences of the end of their goals. What will actually happen if Obama or the Liberals are able to do what they not only want to, but are trying very hard to do.

I guess we should get started. {Smile} Going to fill my cup. Coffee of the day? Folgers Gourmet Selection "Caramel Drizzle" Be right back.

Boston Globe - Obama Health Care Claims Adrift
Fox News - Obama: 'Victory' Not Necessarily Goal in Afghanistan


Unknown said...

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has the latest Rasmussen numbers and what they show is that the president's approval numbers are getting worse. Those who "strongly disapprove" of the president are up to 40% while a large majority believe his remarks in the Gates affair were wrong:

Peter said...

Hey Irishgodfather,

Yeah his numbers are dwindling. Which is pretty normal. The Honeymoon is over. The excitement is fading. People are now starting to see him as the President. Not this mystical figure that was sent to save us all. Well, OK. Some still do, but those numbers are decreasing.

I think one thing Obama has done to bring this about is be on TV 24-7. People are getting Obama burn out. Another his is "We must do this NOW!" propaganda. Why?

Then you have the whole out of control spending thing. Trillions spent, nothing solved. People get touchy when you mess with their money. Yet they still see record Job loss, housing loss, Energy costs climbing, the World MORE Dangerous than ever, and a President that seems CLUELESS. Just telling people how "Brilliant" he is is not working.

Add all his Racist comments from "This country needs run by White mans Greed." "Bitter Clingers" "Spread the Wealth around" "Return the Nations Wealth to it's Rightful Owners" "Stupid Cop" {White} ETC. Many in this country are waking up.

I only hope ENOUGH wake up in time to do something about it. 2010 will be a good start. My only fear is that the Republican will not get their act together and put people up there that WILL make a difference.