Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Waxman-Markey State By State Facts

From the Energy Front 072109

Hey folks,

You want to know how Waxman - Markey will effect you? Where do you live? I live in Florida. So what is the impact on Florida? What about where you live? I'm talking about FACTS. Not rhetoric. Not agenda drive and State controlled Media "experts" telling you what may happen. I'm talking about the FACTS by those that will be involved in the REALITY of this BAD BILL.

API, The American Petroleum Institute, has put together new Fact Sheets, State By State, to give you the resources and the real facts as to how this will DIRECTLY effect the State, and those that live there. As for Florida?

Waxman-Markey Bill: Florida State Fact Sheet

What about where you live? Take the time and check it out. The API State by State Fact Sheets, will help you to understand the reality of the direct impact this BAD BILL will have on the State where you live and on you.

As I keep saying to you folks, ignorance and Elections have consequences. We have to slow this madness down. We have to educate ourselves and get ready for 2010. We have to let those in Congress KNOW that WE ARE THE BOSS, and WE are learning what they are doing and WE are not happy. It's time that WE as Americans, become Americans again. Stand up and say "Enough is enough, leave our country alone. Stop the insanity," and we need to bring true leaders back into power. Leaders that KNOW it is the free market, Freedom in general, that keeps this country great. We need to remind them that it is OIL that drives our Economy.

Alternatives are great. But we can not afford to destroy the Economy in the hopes of a decade from now, being able to reduce SOME of our dependence on foreign oil. We need to let them know, we are all for Alternative Energy, WHEN AE is READY to take over and fuel every aspect of our lives as oil does now. But we are NOT ready to abandon that of which works, for a dream that not yet exists.

Get ready, get educated, and when the time comes, LET THEM KNOW NOW, that you WILL Vote. But let them know, it will NOT be for those in power that are destroying the very country that they were elected to SERVE. Let them know that a new dawn will truly rise, and they will not be part of it if they continue to go down the road they are on. They do not seem to care. MAKE THEM CARE. No more Arrogance, ignorance, or agenda driven insanity. Let both sides know, WE WANT TRUE LEADERS. Servants of the People, not those who wish to have the People serve them.

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