Hey folks,

"In reality, Russia's policies are born of a grievance-based desire to dominate," nations at its hemlines, including many once firmly under the Soviet thumb. The policies are not, Gates said, "an ideology-based effort to dominate the globe."
"Russia's current actions — however egregious — do not represent the existential and global threat that the Soviet Union represented."
He said Russia's military, though armed with nuclear weapons, "remains a shadow" of its Soviet predecessor in size and capability, and that its incursion into Georgia does not change that fact.
"The Russian leadership might seek to exorcise past humiliations and aspire to recapture past glory along with past territory," he said. "But mauling and menacing small democracies does not a great power make."
This is true, however, they are attempting to rebirth themselves into the once great Soviet Union. They are attempting to do this while we all sit back and watch. Gates was right when he said this.
"The next (U.S.) administration, working with our allies and partners, will need to employ a pragmatic blend of resolve and restraint to deal with the threats that confront us," he said, referring not only to Russia but more broadly to terrorist networks and the proliferation of dangerous weapons.

So Russia continues their advancement. According to the AP - Russian navy ships head to maneuvers in Venezuela
A Russian navy squadron set off for Venezuela Monday, an official said, in a deployment of Russian military power to the Western Hemisphere unprecedented since the Cold War.
The Kremlin recently has moved to intensify contacts with Venezuela, Cuba and other Latin American nations amid increasingly strained relations with Washington after last month's war between Russia and Georgia. During the Cold War, Latin America became an ideological battleground between the Soviet Union and the United States.
Folks, you have to be completely BLIND, or have completely willing ignorance, NOT to see what is happening here.

The deployment follows a weeklong visit to Venezuela by a pair of Russian strategic bombers comes amid increasing tensions with the United States over the Russia-Georgia war.
The intensifying contacts with Venezuela appear to be a response to the U.S. dispatch of warships to deliver aid to Georgia which angered the Kremlin. Russian officials harshly criticized the U.S. deployment to Georgia's Black Sea coast.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Latin America needs strong friendship with Russia to help reduce U.S. influence and keep peace in the region.

VIENNA, Austria - Two years? One? Even less?
Opinions differ on how close Iran may be to being able to develop a nuclear weapon, but concerned governments and experts agree the time to stop Tehran is growing short — and the options limited.
Yup, because as soon as you take the threat of Nuclear use off the table, when dealing with someone obsessed with Nuclear weapons, you are talking about bringing a knife to a gun fight.
The time frame is increasingly important because of the possibility that Israel or the U.S. might opt for a military strike against the Islamic Republic if they judged that all diplomatic options to end its nuclear defiance have been exhausted.
And with Tehran showing no signs of giving up uranium enrichment or heeding other international demands, the diplomatic window is growing increasingly narrow. That fact gives special significance to a meeting of the 35-nation board of the International Atomic Energy Agency and its chief focus of what to do about Iran.
Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to stoke the flames Sunday, declaring that Iran's military will "break the hand" of anyone targeting his country's nuclear facilities.
He spoke during a military parade displaying various types of Iranian-made missiles. Also in the parade was a military truck carrying a huge banner saying "Israel should be eliminated from the universe" in both English and Farsi.
Once again, this little Hitler wannabe is coming to New York, and some in this country are welcoming him with open arms. They are actually going to throw a PARTY for him.
At the low end is physicist and former U.N. nuclear inspector David Albright. He says Tehran could reach weapons capacity in as little as 6 months through uranium enrichment.
An IAEA report drawn up for the IAEA board meeting says that Tehran has increased the number of centrifuges used to process uranium to nearly 4,000 from 3,000 just a few months ago.
But Albright, whose Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security closely tracks suspect secret proliferators, has also been able to extrapolate other information from the report that is less obvious but of at least equal concern.
Iran, he says, has managed to iron out most of the bugs in the intensely complicated process of enrichment that often saw the centrifuges breaking down. The machines, he says "now appear to be running at approximately 85 percent of their stated target capacity, a significant increase over previous rates."
That, he says means, they can produce more enriched uranium faster. And while the IAEA says that the machines have spewed out only low enriched material suitable solely for nuclear fuel, producing enough of that can make it easy to "break out" quickly by reprocessing it to weapons- grade uranium suitable for the fissile core of warhead.
To date, Iran has produced nearly 1,000 pounds of low enriched uranium, said the report — close to what Albright says is the 1,500-pound minimum needed to produce the 45-60 pounds needed for a simple nuclear bomb under optimal conditions.
And with Iran's centrifuges running ever more smoothly, it "is progressing toward this capability and can be expected to reach it in six months to two years," says Albright.
Additional work — making a crude bomb to contain the uranium — would take no more than a "several months," he said.
But that work could be done secretly and consecutively with the last stages of weapons-grade enrichment. With Iran limiting access of IAEA inspectors to facilities it has declared to the agency, the U.N. nuclear monitor is blind-sided in efforts to establish whether such covert atomic work is going on.
Are they kidding? Seriously. Little Hitler himself has kept telling the world that they are not going to stop. They keep increasing their efforts with every new sanction. They continue to tell everyone they WILL wipe Israel off the map and they keep chanting "Death to America."
Part of the report spoke of what appeared to be drawings and calculations by Iranian engineers on reconfiguring its Shahab-3 missile to be able to carry a nuclear payload.
Iranian officials say the missile has a range of 1,250 miles, enabling a strike on Israel and most of the Middle East.
Such report stoke Israeli fears — and may force the Jewish state's hand.
So Israel is getting ready to defend itself. GOOD. We should be no less cautious. We need to be ready for ANYTHING. That MEANS we need to have ANYTHING and EVERYTHING at our disposal. We need to have a Leader that does not just talk, but one those that think of World Domination as their goal KNOW will back it up.
Now is not the time to play political games. Now it not the time for Whinny the Pooh. Now is not the time for delusions that one's personality will make the world love us. Now is the time we get real here. They are. They are getting ready to face us down. Are we?
We have a guy running for President that is clueless. His running mate fosters Socialistic views as well. These two would rather hold hands with these Dictators and bring this country in line of them. They seek a Socialist Society. Hey, if we were more like them, they would love us. Right?
Then we have a guy running for office that HAS Experience in dealing with Dictators. He has vast experience in dealing with foreign affairs. His running mate? Has experience of enacting real change, reform, and a history of improving economics at home.
Sorry, but to me, the choice is clear.
AP - Gates: Avoid war with Russia
AP - Russian navy ships head to maneuvers in Venezuela
AP - Iran moves closer to nuke weapons capacity
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