Not partisan, nor political blame game. Their OWN words and actions.
Hey folks,
I would much rather talk about the API Conference. I would much rather talk about the Ban expiring and why this is NOT a guarantee for more Drilling any time soon. I just posted the Transcript and THAT is what I really wanted to talk about today. But YOU folks really want to know what I think about this whole "Rescue Plan."
OK. All we have heard for the last few days is that it has been the Bush Policy, and the Republicans fault that we are in this situation. All the Twit of the House Nancy Pelosi has been doing is ranting and raving over who's fault this whole mess is and attempting to block the Republicans from really taking a part in helping fix the whole mess. All she has been doing is playing politics. Only one problem. She is blaming the wrong people.
Sunday morning, the House Democrats came out and boldly stated they had a deal. You asked me then to comment on it. I told you then that I wasn't interesting in wasting time to talk about something that simply is not true. There was no deal.
Yesterday, we saw this "New Deal" this "Rescue Plan" fail miserably. Nancy Pelosi came out and did WHAT? Of course. She blamed the Republicans. Hey Nancy, I got news for you. You are the BIGGEST failure the House has EVER seen. 40 percent of your OWN people voted against it. You could not even get the 13 votes out of THEM to pass this patiently absurd Socialistic Bill.
Now we keep hearing, as the down falls 777, in it's record drop in it's history, that "We really do not need to point fingers, but we need to solve the problem." Well guess why they are saying this NOW? Because of the NEW Media. Because of people like the people that posted this YouTube Video. Because the TRUTH is coming out that it is NOT the Republicans that caused this. It IS and HAS been the Left Wing Loons that decided to STEAL money from Fannie and Freddie. It is the ADVISERS to Obama that were making MILLIONS from these programs. Even Obama himself. If Obama was a Republican, the Mainstream Media would have already ran him out of town for the money HE received from them. It is the Loons that PROTECTED them.
They keep saying "If we only had more regulations, we would not be in this situation." WELL, if they did not BLOCK that from happening we would not be in this situation. Check out this video.
This is THEIR OWN WORDS. THEM THEMSELVES. Nothing taken out of context. Nothing made up. This is THEM. This is a 2004 hearing on Fannie and Freddie. They wanted to ATTACK the REGULATOR. They wanted to PROTECT their investments. THEY said, there is no problem. {Laughing} They were wrong THEN. They are wrong now.
So at the end of the day, it IS their fault that we are in the situation we are in. It IS their fault that most likely we need some type of bail out to help the economy. A Socialistic Government take over is not it. But we DO need them to come up with something. It IS their fault. CLEARLY. As you just seen. The Republicans were predicting and warning the Democrats of this. It was the Democrats that were denying and protecting their piggy banks.
It really is, just that simple.
Hey folks,
I would much rather talk about the API Conference. I would much rather talk about the Ban expiring and why this is NOT a guarantee for more Drilling any time soon. I just posted the Transcript and THAT is what I really wanted to talk about today. But YOU folks really want to know what I think about this whole "Rescue Plan."

Sunday morning, the House Democrats came out and boldly stated they had a deal. You asked me then to comment on it. I told you then that I wasn't interesting in wasting time to talk about something that simply is not true. There was no deal.
Yesterday, we saw this "New Deal" this "Rescue Plan" fail miserably. Nancy Pelosi came out and did WHAT? Of course. She blamed the Republicans. Hey Nancy, I got news for you. You are the BIGGEST failure the House has EVER seen. 40 percent of your OWN people voted against it. You could not even get the 13 votes out of THEM to pass this patiently absurd Socialistic Bill.
Now we keep hearing, as the down falls 777, in it's record drop in it's history, that "We really do not need to point fingers, but we need to solve the problem." Well guess why they are saying this NOW? Because of the NEW Media. Because of people like the people that posted this YouTube Video. Because the TRUTH is coming out that it is NOT the Republicans that caused this. It IS and HAS been the Left Wing Loons that decided to STEAL money from Fannie and Freddie. It is the ADVISERS to Obama that were making MILLIONS from these programs. Even Obama himself. If Obama was a Republican, the Mainstream Media would have already ran him out of town for the money HE received from them. It is the Loons that PROTECTED them.
They keep saying "If we only had more regulations, we would not be in this situation." WELL, if they did not BLOCK that from happening we would not be in this situation. Check out this video.
This is THEIR OWN WORDS. THEM THEMSELVES. Nothing taken out of context. Nothing made up. This is THEM. This is a 2004 hearing on Fannie and Freddie. They wanted to ATTACK the REGULATOR. They wanted to PROTECT their investments. THEY said, there is no problem. {Laughing} They were wrong THEN. They are wrong now.
So at the end of the day, it IS their fault that we are in the situation we are in. It IS their fault that most likely we need some type of bail out to help the economy. A Socialistic Government take over is not it. But we DO need them to come up with something. It IS their fault. CLEARLY. As you just seen. The Republicans were predicting and warning the Democrats of this. It was the Democrats that were denying and protecting their piggy banks.
It really is, just that simple.