French Kissing Kids?
Hey folks,

State legislators passed a law Saturday that would require adults who French kiss a child younger than 13 to register as a sex offender.
Seriously folks? This is REALLY a big problem?
Those convicted of tongue-kissing a child would be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $2,500 fine. The House of Delegates passed the legislation 96-1 and the Senate 39-0.
The bill now heads to Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, who said he supports the legislation.
Delagate Riley Ingram, R-Hopewell, introduced the bill on behalf of a woman whose 10-year-old daughter was French-kissed by the 62-year-old husband of her babysitter.
That IS just sick. This 62 year old guy needs to be kept away from kids, but an entire law is now required?
The only crime prosecutors could charge the man with was contributing to the delinquency of a minor, which did not require that he register as a sex offender.
Ingram and other members of the House fought to make the crime a felony, but in the final day of the 2008 General Assembly session gave in to senators who thought that classifying it as a felony was too harsh.
Delegate Phillip Hamilton, R-Newport News, cast the lone nay vote, refusing to back down from his belief that the crime should be a felony.
"I think that type of behavior is so egregious it warrants a felony," Hamilton said.
Ingram said he was satisfied that a conviction would land someone on the sex offender registry.
OK. I know I’m going to take some heat on this one. But I really do not care. Here is the thing. We need to revamp this whole sex offender list thing. This is just getting stupid now. Here is what I mean.
If you are say 62, and you have sex with a minor, you are on the list. If you are 18 and have sex with a 16 year old, you are on the list. If you hunt down little girls and molest them, you are on the list. If you take a leak on the street and a minor sees you, you are on the list. Now if you are sick enough to French Kiss a kid in VA, you are on the list.
There has to be a way to categorize this list. Sorry, SICK yes, but I do not see French Kissing a 10 year old the same as hunting and molesting kids. I do not see two kids having CONSENSUAL sex with each other equal to an adult forcing or tricking a minor into sexual relations. But as it stands right now, they are ALL treated the same. Some of these kids lives are ruined because they have no control over their hormones.
So now we have a new law, JUST because of one sicko. Seriously. How often have you heard of adults French Kissing kids? Why would anyone want to? They're KIDS. I know, I know, there are sickos out there, girls do not look the way they did years ago. But, uh, they’re KIDS.
You definitely can not make this one up. Sicko.
AP - Va. targets adults who French kiss kids
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