Hey folks,

{Laughing} "Of course. She just misspoke. I guess it was just a verbalo."
I knew this was not the first time that she told this particular whopper. However, I did not have time to look it up so I just said this.
"So she misspoke TWICE? Three times? Four? One time? maybe she misspoke. Two or more is just an outright lie."
Normally, and in the past, it would be no big deal. But as they say, the worm has turned. Well, Rush, and his people had time to research it. On his show today, he pointed out that this is NOT the first time.

HILLARY: I am a human being like everybody else. Uh, the military took great care of us. You know, they were worried about, uh, you know, taking a first lady to a war zone and took some extra precautions and worried about, uh, all kind of things, but, uh, uhh, I've written about it in my book and I talk about it on many other occasions, and last week, uh, you know, for the first time in 12 or so years I misspoke.
RUSH: "Last week... for the first time in 12 years or so I misspoke" about the Bosnia arrival. You know, Hillary if you're going to lie about this, just say that you were confused, that you were watching sniper fire on the in-flight movie and that that's where you got the idea for it, but it looks like, ladies and gentlemen -- we're still tracking this down, but it looks like -- the Drive-Bys have Hillary saying the same thing about sniper fire last month.
February 29, 2008, a campaign stop in Waco, Texas, quote: "I remember particularly a trip to the Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire." So she said it again. She "misspoke." This is the second time she's misspoken in 12 years. I guarantee you, Operation Chaos, the pressure, everything is getting to these people. Wait 'til you hear the Clinton bite. You know, and Obama and his crowd, they're not that much better off, in terms of the pressure and everything. They're both waiting around for the other to screw up: hoping, hoping, hoping that the other side screws up.
Remember what I said? "So she misspoke TWICE? Three times? Four?"
RUSH: Folks, it's getting even worse. We have found yet another instance of Mrs. Clinton telling the sniper fire lie upon landing in Tuzla, Bosnia. On December 29th, Mrs. Clinton was in Dubuque, Iowa -- last year, December 29th, 2007 -- and she said that, quote, "We landed in one of those corkscrew landings and ran out because they said there might be sniper fire." Then on March 11th, in the Washington Post, a column entitled, "The Sleuth." Headline: "Sinbad Unloads on Hillary Clinton -- Finally, the Barack Obama campaign has found a big gun to help shoot down Hillary Rodham Clinton's self-proclaimed foreign policy experience. And he may be the wackiest gun of all: Sinbad, the actor, who has come out from under a rock to defend Obama in the war over foreign policy credentials. Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call..." Sinbad says he was not harrowing. "He just remembers it being a USO tour to buck up the troops amid a much worse situation than he had imagined between the Bosnians and Serbs.
"In an interview with the Sleuth Monday, he said the 'scariest' part of the trip was wondering where he'd eat next. 'I think the only 'red-phone' moment was: "Do we eat here or at the next place."'" So one of the people she was with has debunked the whole thing. We went back to the archives. From The Hill, Capitol Hill newspaper, "The campaign of [Hillary Clinton] is seeking to play down news that the former first lady gave an incorrect account of landing in Bosnia in 1996 under sniper fire, and refused to answer additional questions about a flap that could hurt her chances ... 'We've said all we're going to say on that,' said Deputy Communications Director Phil Singer on a Tuesday morning conference call with reporters." So, they're in lockdown on the Bosnia flap. She has four instances of lying about this going back to December 29th of last year, and even lying about it after Sinbad put the whole lie to it in the Washington Post on March 11th. This is exactly what we mean when we say the Drive-Bys cover for these people and they have come to expect it. Not just the Clintons, but all liberals, all Democrats.
It wasn't just Rush. I caught the first 40 minutes or so of the Sean Hannity Show. Guess what HIS big news was? {Laughing} Yup, you guessed it.
AP, AFP, CBS, USA Today, Reuters, SBS {Australia World News}, Newsmax, News Busters, Fox News, you name it. This WAS big news yesterday. Actually, I love the way SBS World News reported this.
US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has been criticised for misleadingly claiming she came under sniper fire while on a trip to Bosnia in 1996.
Just three or four confirmed times. She really was just misspeaking all those times. It doesn't mean she lied. She was just confused. {Smile}
Ms Clinton told reporters last week that she remembered "landing under sniper fire" during the visit to Tuzla when she

But television footage of the trip in question showed she was in no danger, despite suggestions she had gone into a "potential combat zone".
This is Australia World news. This is how the world sees this. They went on to say this.
Ms Clinton, who was accompanied on the trip by her daughter Chelsea and singer Sheryl Crow, is seen being greeted by smiling officials on the tarmac, and listening as an an eight-year-old Bosnian girl read out a poem.
Not ducking and running to cars.
Comedian Sinbad, who was also on the Tuzla trip, but who is supporting Democratic rival Barack Obama's presidential campaign, has said the most worrying part of the visit was deciding where to go for dinner.
Folks, I do not see this going away anytime soon. This must really be a shock to the Clintons. They use to have the Mass Media on their side no matter what. Bill, when President, had articles written about how they MARVALED at his ability to lie. They even told us how lying can be a GOOD thing. Not any more. {Smile}
The Clintons can not tell the truth. They just can't. They have never had to. This is new territory for them, and they are not doing well. This is why more and more people are abandoning them at record speed. The only hope she has left? The Superdelegates. As I have already pointed out to you, they have started laying THAT ground work. This gets better and better as days go by.
OPNTalk - Clinton Lied, No Big Deal
Rush Limbaugh Show- Bosnia Lie: CBS Destroys Hillary
SBS - Clinton caught out over Bosnia 'sniper' claims
OPNTalk- Clinton Inc Laying the Foundation For Nomination Steal
1 comment:
Dick Morris has been exposing Hillary lies for some time: see the above links.
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