Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Could This Be D Day

Hey folks,

Not much time this morning, but this IS D Day. Decision day for those folks in Ohio, Texas, Rode Island, and Vermont. Some are saying that this really could be D Day for Clinton if she was to lose all four.

I can understand that. Obama with eleven straight under his belt has nothing but momentum coming into today. She has nothing but desperation. But at the same time, she IS a Clinton. Never forget that. They will lie, cheat, and steal, to get whatever they want.

Then you have people like Rush Limbaugh encouraging his 22 million listener to go to the polls and vote for Hillary to keep her in the race. You have Sean Hannity telling people he wants Hillary to stay. They seem to feel that McCain will not go after these guys like they can go after themselves. They want more chaos in the Democrat Party. They want this to last all the way up to the convention.

We have seen time and time again all these confusing rules and regulations for states that have a Caucus. We have seen the lack of rules that allow anyone to vote for anyone in Primaries. Some you can vote twice. Some, you do not even have to live there to vote.

I think one of the thing we have learned is that I truly feel we would be better off if we have some general rules across the board. Really simple. You vote where you live. You for your party. You vote once. We all vote the same time. Would this not cut out the majority of voter fraud and bring some kind of fairness to this process that we have so completely screwed up?

Anyway, can Obama make it 15 and 0? Will Hillary be able to again call herself the "Come Back Kid?" Tune in tomorrow. Same vote time. Same vote channel. I do have to admit, this has been the funnest election to watch in years.

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