Monday, July 17, 2006

World War 3

Hey folks,

You know, sometimes I HATE being right. I hope that I’m still proven wrong on this one. Sorry to start your week off on this note, but it is something we need to watch carefully.

Back on Saturday, April 22, 2006, at 7:24am, I posted the article Antepenultimate Power / Utter Destruction. In this article I talked about President Bush, with the Republican run everything, has antepenultimate power. I pointed out the different situations going on in the world. I said,

"As we speak, we are moving ever so closer to Iran. Now even Sen. Joseph Lieberman says he would back a U.S. air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomatic options fail, becoming the first Democrat to announce his support for such a move. He said, "I think the only justifiable use of military power would be an attempt to deter the development of their nuclear program if we felt there was no other way to do it," He indicated that such an attack would be to "delay" Iran's nuclear program, saying that he was hoping that "by the time they catch up back to where they were, there's been a change in the government. That's the limited objective that I would see." This is in response to Iranian President Mamoud Ahmadinejad, threatened just last week to "annihilate" Israel. The movement is growing.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, we have Russia supplying Iran with materials, the North Korea situation, China and Taiwan situation, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday again raised the specter of U.S. designs to oust him and promised that his government will blow up his country's oil fields if the United States should ever attack.. Couple this all together with a President with a Cowboy, renegade attitude, with a free pass to do whatever he wants, you have a VERY dangerous situation. Are we heading to WW3?"

I tried to explain one of the things I thought may slow this down. I said,

"The only way to stop this, or at least slow it down, is to bring balance back to the government. With only 199 days left to the election, and two and halve years til 2008, the left is running out of time. They NEED to stop playing the stupid games. They NEED to forget Bush. Get in there and change the things you do not like. With the House, Senate, and even Supreme Court all controlled by one party, the party has antepenultimate power. I would feel this way no matter which party is in this situation. There must be a balance. In nearly every case, ultimate power leads to ultimate destruction. But the Left is NOT going to get there with "Hate Bush". They are not going to get there with "Impeach Bush". They are not going to get there without a plan.

If it seems I’m being too critical of the Left from time to time, it is because I AM. As an Independent, I am not bound by political parties. Nor am I a sheep that will jump aboard a bandwagon. You need to talk TO me and tell me what you can do to make this country better. So far, NOTHING. Time is ticking, in more ways than one."

Well, today, the concept is being tossed around by talk shows, from Hannity, "The Factor", and others, along with Neut Ginrich, who reiterated these sentiments on "Meet the Press" Sunday morning. He said that if you connect the dots between the threats and conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon, North Korea, etc., it looks like World War III has already begun.

Now it is time to stop playing politics. It is time to figure out what to do about this very dangerous time in which we live. Oil is blowing past all time highs, because we ARE heading down a very dangerous road. All the countries around the world seem to be getting their military ready. We here, in this country, NOW, need to stop looking at this one situation politically. We need to come together. We need to fix it. Before we arrive at a destination where we do NOT want to be..

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