Tuesday, July 18, 2006

NAACP. A Time Past,

Hey folks,

That’s right the NAACP is at it again. They are calling for boycotts on Target and other business, because of their failing to complete the NAACP survey.

The President of NAACP, Bruce S. Gordon said,

"They didn't even care to respond to our survey. Stay out of their stores."

Why did Target not respond? A Target spokeswoman said that the company chose not to participate in the survey "because Target views diversity as being inclusive of all people from all different backgrounds, not just one group." The NAACP survey asks only about blacks. She also said that minorities make up 40 percent of Target employees and 23 percent of all officials and managers.

Other companies that chose not to participate were Dillard's Inc., Kohl's Corp., Sears, and Excel, a telecommunications company. All were given Fs for not answering.

So since these companies are already doing the right thing, they chose not to be bothered by a group that is out of date, and only serves to further divide, NOT unite the races. The NAACP is a joke. Only four thousand people are attending the 97th annual meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which runs through Thursday.

Four thousand people. Some highschool sports have more than that in attendance. The time has past for the NAACP. They are nothing more now than a black version of the KKK. They hate everyone except themselves. They feel that everyone owes them something. But even Gordon sees them fading away. He said,

"We may not have all the power that we want, but we have all the power that we need. All we have to do is believe it and use it."

Yes, power and money. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson along with Gordon, have made quite a bit of money dividing the races, keeping the black man down {So they have a victim}, and creating racism in some area’s that it does not even exist.

I applaud these stores and businesses that did not participate. They are doing the right thing, they do not have to answer to a hate group. Plain and simple. Also plain and simple is this, they know as well as you do, noone is going to boycott these stores. Not even all those four thousand that are in attendance.

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