Sunday, November 23, 2008

The New Clinton Administration

I mean Obama Administration. I think.

Hey folks,

This is going to take some time. This has been completely amazing me as I watch this come into being. I pointed out the new AG Eric Holder, and BIG TIME Clinton operative. Member of Hillary's Health Care mess, involved in the pardon of Rich, and Terrorists, including two of the Weather Underground. ETC.

So let's look at some more of this mystical CHANGE and this NEW direction. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) surfaced Friday as a possible candidate for secretary of the Interior. Greg Craig to the post of White House counsel, who does not like Obama's choice for Secretary of State. Bill Richardson is now a top choice for Commerce secretary. Timothy Geithner, the president of the New York Federal Reserve, who likely will emerge as the secretary of treasury. Lawrence Summers is another candidate.

Retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, who was the former head of NATO and U.S. forces in Europe, appears to be the leading contender for the national security adviser position. Retired Adm. Dennis C. Blair, former commander in chief of the Pacific Command and a sixth generation naval officer, has emerged as the top candidate for director of national intelligence. Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., has been picked to head the Department of Health and Human Services, where he would work on a health care plan that will provide universal access, as Obama promised in his campaign.Of course, Gov. Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security, and Hillary for Secretary of State.

Let's look at some of these people. Shall we? One they are ALL Clintonistas.

Lawrence Summers was forced out as president of Harvard University for a number of perceived insults, including suggesting that biological differences explain why women are inferior to men in science, engineering and math.

What about Retired Adm. Dennis C. Blair? Some say he is a New World Orderist. A Universalist that hates war and Bush. I'm not sure what to think of him yet. I found his following comments interesting.

"To carry out a successful future strategy in the world, we do not need to maintain a relative level of power to the rest of the world on the order of our superiority to North Korea, but we need to have a vibrant and open economy, strong military forces and a society with important aspects that other countries admire and seek to emulate. This means that we must get our fiscal house in order, we need to improve our K- through-12 educational system, repair our national transportation infrastructure, maintain and improve our global economic business competitiveness, maintain open markets in capital, services and goods, and restore our reputation for acting in a moral and responsible manner."

Now they stop here. He is for universal FREE education and in in agreement with Obama on early education. He agrees that the war is immoral and the Bush Administration policies have hurt America's standings. I have seen this quote. But they fail to give you the rest of what I find VERY interesting.

"Only an economically dynamic, militarily powerful, attractive United States can improve its position in the world with our open, inefficient national security system not driven by a single powerful threat."

So he doesn't think our National Security is what it should be. But he DOES believe in a STRONG Military, and, well, keep going.

"There is one other set of internal policies that the United States must pursue consistently to improve its international position, and these have to do with imported oil. Continued dependence on imported petroleum at current and projected levels will undercut any strategy or set of principles the country tries to pursue in the future. We will continue to be on a military hair trigger in the Persian Gulf Region, and we will become more heavily involved in violent and unstable areas of Central Asia and Western Africa. It is difficult to imagine a successful American grand strategy under these circumstances.

Although energy independence is unrealistic, a dramatic decrease in the oil intensity of the American economy is very achievable. During the 1970s and 1980s the United States cut in half the amount of imported petroleum it used to generate a dollar of gross domestic product. We can do so again with a combination of known conservation measures, safe drilling of domestic reserves, and investment in alternative technologies financed in large measure by revision of ethanol tariffs. With national oil intensity cut in half our economy would be much less subject to interruptions in supply abroad and variations in price, and our policies towards the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia could be more balanced, less militarized, and more in keeping with our values."


"So the first orders of business are to rebuild the foundation of American international power, restoring a United States that is economically dynamic, globally competitive, attractive in its values and with reduced imported oil intensity. Beyond these actions at home we need a set of strategic principles to guide our international policies and actions.

The start point for a set of strategic principles is a goal or objective. What kind of a world does the United States want in another 20 or 30 years? What is our vision of the world we want to build?

We seek a world of nation states with secure and respected borders that are able to enforce the rule of law within their territory; we seek a world of nation states that have representative governments that protect the rights of their minorities, that base their economies on free markets, and that openly trade with one another in capital, services and goods."


"I believe that the great majority of Americans share this vision. As important, I believe that the great majority of citizens of the rest of the world and their governments also share it. In fact, most of these goals are expressed in the United Nations Charter, to which 192 nations now belong, representing virtually the entire population of the planet."

Now this following bit I find TRULY amazing. Get this.

"Beyond the hypocrisy of authoritarian governments that repress their people and pay lip service to these ideals, the only reservations around the world about this goal have to do with enforcing one of its tenets at the expense of others and timelines and methods for achieving it. So American grand strategic principles have the great advantage of being based on a vision shared by most of the world."

ABSOLUTLEY again! However, we just elected a President that does EXACTLY that. He spouts Authoritarian ideals and "pay lip service to the America" that you Adm. Blair, just pointed out. So if you take this job of Director of National Intelligence, I hope you stay TRUE to what you just said.

Now what about Tom Dashle? He heads Obama's health care policy group and wrote, Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis. Daschle argues in the book that the U.S. must make health-care available to everyone. A HUGH Universal Health care proponent.

Daschle has proposed creating a Federal Health Board that would function similarly to the Federal Reserve System as a kind of enforcer of health policy. He has also suggested merging employer-based plans, Medicaid and Medicare with an expanded Federal Employee Health Benefits Program that would cover all.

So you are starting to see how Obama is putting into place some that will work hard to further HIS ideals.

I'll be right back with the two I REALLY want to talk about, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano is the chief candidate for secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and of course Hillary as Secretary of State.

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