Sunday, November 30, 2008

IWA For Sunday 113008

Another self important Actor thinking we care what they think.

Hey folks,

Yeah, here we go again. You know, I really do get tired of this. But you know what? It actually works. Someone who gets paid way too much to PRETEND that they are someone else or that they are somehow important to the world, start thinking that they REALLY are.

I've talked about this type of thing before. These people are usually swamped with fans, receive Emails and Letters from thousands if not millions of people saying that they are the best thing since sliced bread. Then they are surrounded all day and night by others that wait on their beckoning call. They are surrounded by "Yes People" all the time and then they get to a place where they think this is NORMAL. That people really care what they think or say.

Too many times, these people do not live in reality long enough to understand what reality actually is. They do what they are told, think how they are told to think, and say what others tell them to say.

Well, it appears that Actor Josh Duhamel, best know most likely as of late from the "Transformers" movie, has decided to speak out about the plight of the Polar Bears. Yup. Polar Bears.

The Actor traveled to the shore of the Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba, where Polar Bears assemble annually to await the freeze up. He joined elite polar bear "Experts" Dr. Ian Stirling and Dr. Steven Amstrup, members of the Scientific Advisory Council of Polar Bears International, a non-profit organization devoted to worldwide conservation of the Polar Bear through support of research and education.

So he makes this following statement.

"I'm blown away by the beauty of seeing these awesome creatures up close and personal, I wanted to see the effects of climate change and confront the contradictory claims about polar bears first hand. The plight of the polar bear is a symbol of what's going on globally."

OK. Did you catch this contradiction? He said that he wanted to go there to "confront the contradictory claims about polar bears first hand." This implies that he has heard both sides of an argument and want to find out what it the TRUTH for himself.

I had a similar, well OK many, similar situations in my own life. One was back in the late 80s. I had two very good friends of mine trying to convince me that THEIR church was the best one for me. They BOTH claimed to be "Born Again", BOTH claimed to be "Christian." BOTH claimed that the OTHER'S church was just flat out wrong. How could this be? So I went to BOTH to see for myself. I did. I chose based on what I actually SAW and HEARD, and INVESTIGATED for myself.

So little Josh Duhamel has heard that the Polar Bears are dying and we are killing them, but he has also heard that it is a bunch of bunk. That the Polar Bear numbers have exploded and they are no longer in any threat at all. So he is going there to find out for himself. Right? Wrong. Finish his statement. "The plight of the polar bear is a symbol of what's going on globally."

So he has already made up his mind. I guess. Then while he was there, he met Dr. Ian Stirling, AKA the "Godfather of polar bear research," Dr. Ian Stirling shared his latest findings with Duhamel about the decline in the Polar Bear population. Problem is, they are not declining. So he claims the latest data shows that Polar Bear body weight has dropped 20% over the last 25 years. Polar Bears are smaller and therefore at a higher risk of losing cubs during birth. {Sigh}

So what is this great Actor's answer?

"In Los Angeles especially, we have got to travel more efficiently. Reducing electricity as much as possible, and eating locally-grown, organic food are easy actions to take for most of us."

{Laughing} OK. So how do YOU travel? What is YOUR electric bill? Folks, the Polar Bears are not going anywhere. They are NOT reducing in numbers. The weight thing? I would love to see the research on that. I would LOVE to see how Global Warming has reduced the weight of the Polar Bears.

Congratulations Josh Duhamel, for one, thinking anyone really cares what you have been told to say, two, for being nothing more than a sheep, and three, your answer to how to solve the fictitious GWBS problem, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Now why do you not go make a movie on how that incredible car of yours travels to the Hudson Bay and saves the Polar Bears?

Polar Bears International

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