Further PROOF that New Liberals are Idiots
Hey folks,
There are so many different problems with this, it is not even funny. It is just further proof the the New Liberal Party is NOTHING like the original. Nor do they even have a clue what TRUE Liberalism is. AGAIN:

What is Liberalism defined? According to Wikipedia
Liberalism is an ideology, philosophical view, and political tradition which holds that liberty is the primary political value.[1] Liberalism has its roots in the Western Age of Enlightenment, but the term has taken on different meanings in different time periods (for example now in the United States generally it means new liberalism while in the rest of the world has the meaning of classical liberalism).
Broadly speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights. It seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power (especially of government and religion), the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected.[2] In modern society, liberals favor a liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed.[3]
Many new liberals advocate a greater degree of government interference in the free market, often in the form of anti-discrimination laws, civil service examinations, universal education, and progressive taxation. This philosophy frequently extends to a belief that the government should provide for a degree of general welfare, including benefits for the unemployed, housing for the homeless, and medical care for the sick. Such publicly-funded initiatives and interferences in the market are rejected by modern advocates of classical liberalism, which emphasizes free private enterprise, individual property rights and freedom of contract; classical liberals hold that economic inequality, as arising naturally from competition in the free market, does not justify the violation of private property rights.
Liberalism rejected many foundational assumptions which dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property.
A broader use of the term liberalism is in the context of liberal democracy (see also constitutionalism). In this sense of the word, it refers to a democracy in which the powers of government are limited and the rights of citizens are legally defined; this applies to nearly all Western democracies, and therefore is not solely associated with liberal parties.
Now lets touch on some of these. The LWL {Left Wing Loons}do NOT support personal freedoms, free exchange of thought, nor do they support free speech. Unless you agree with them. If not, they will do EVERYTHING they can to discredit, close minds, and silence the speaker. They also do not care what the PEOPLE say at the voting both, if they disagree with them.
They DO want to control the market. They DO want to, in essence, put a cap on how far you can go. Ask Obama and his $250,000, uh, $200,000, I mean $150,000, would you believe $130,000? Whatever it is today, it is still a cap on private citizens. Make Make more than that, you will pay for it. They DO want you to need them. They love social programs that they try to pass off as compassion. They want more control in your lives.
Anti-discrimination laws have become discrimination. Universal education is becoming simple brain washing. Progressive taxation is simply punishment for making it. Religion? I'll get to that in a minute. What about this? "classical liberals hold that economic inequality, as arising naturally from competition in the free market, does not justify the violation of private property rights." Not the new LWL. They have no problem taking your land if it benefits them. They will even give it to another private person for that reason. They call it eminent domain.
Then this statement in the meaning, "Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property." That is the EXACT opposite of what they truly believe. Right to life? Abortion, embryonic stem cell research, I guess that is the same. Right?
They want you to have no other choice than to depend on them. Why do you think that they are so against God? Many see God as the final authority. As well they should. But that would mean someone or something, in their mind, is above them.
Look at their targets. Wal-Mart, Big Oil, Pharmaceutical Companies, any big business. Wal-Mart is the biggest employer in the world. They start giving out cheap prescriptions, they are attacked. They {LWL} do not want you going there. They will give them to you. You need THEM not Wal-Mart. Free market is their enemy.
The "American Dream" is fine with them, as long as they are the center of it. They strip away at your abilities to think for, express, and do for yourself so that they may do for you. The "Fairness Doctrine" AKA the Censorship Doctrine.
According to Wikipedia,
A tyrant (Latin tyrannus, from Greek τtύ?ρ?αaν?ν?ο?ς? týrannos) possesses absolute power through the people in a state or in an organization: one refers to this mode of rule as a tyranny. In ancient Greece, tyrants were generally aristocrats who had gained power over the others by getting the support of the poor people by giving them land, freeing them from slavery, etc.
Welfare, food stamps, government housing, free education, ETC. Get the point?
Tyranny is micro management and control over every aspect of your life. This is what the Liberals strive for. They envy people like Hugo Chavez , Castro, and Ahmadinejad. Absolute power without accountability. They even line up to go visit these people. Praise these people. Even say we should talk to these people. Obama even said China is so much better than we. We could learn from them.
Liberalism is an attempt to create an alternate reality, where liberalism is compassionateness. Where it is fair and just. Where those that have, should care for those that have not. It punishes independents, and rewards those that blindly follow. It stifles free thought, and tells you want to believe.
Yes folks, like these six words or not, TODAY'S "Liberalism IS a quest for tyranny."
Let's look at California. Since the election, where the PEOPLE voted in Prop 8, the LWL have lost their minds. Remember the break down. In Florida, Whites voted 60-40, but Black voters approved a ban on gay marriage by a vote of 71 to 29. Is there any question? Now I'm pointing out Race for a reason here. Then in California, Whites may have even let this fail 51-49. It was the 70 percent support from Black voters that put the measure over the top. 70 to 30. It was not the White, War Mongering, Racist, Chauvinistic, Homophobes, you know, Republicans. It was not the "Church" that did this. It was the Blacks. Liberal Democratic Black people. Obama's base.
We have seen EVERYTHING being thrown at the Blacks from the Gays. Liberal bloggers and a bunch of Gay Rights Activists were out there calling Black people the N-word for supporting Prop 8 in large numbers. Some stars made off hand comments about this. Like Roseanne Barr calling Blacks Ignorant and said some of their churches were corrupted. Where is the investigation for possible HATE SPEECH on these people? Why are the Gay Rights Activists NOT protesting the Blacks in the Inner City neighborhoods?

So what do we learn yesterday? According to the
AP - California to investigate Mormon aid to Prop 8
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California officials will investigate whether the Mormon church accurately described its role in a campaign to ban gay marriage in the state.
The California Fair Political Practices Commission said Monday that a complaint by a gay rights group merits further inquiry.
ABSOLUTE BULL! The majority of the people in California VOTED. Prop 8 PASSED. It is CLEAR what the WILL of the PEOPLE in California, and 30 other States, is. Now ONE complaint is going to cause this Inquisition against the Mormon Church? Pay back against Mitt Romney? The MORMONS did NOT get this passed. The PEOPLE did. The VAST MAJORITY OF BLACKS DID.
Executive director Roman Porter says the decision does not mean any wrongdoing has been determined.
None was Moron, I mean Roman. So what is the point? We know the point folks. They are attempting to find some kind of way to subvert the Will of the People.
Fred Karger, founder of Californians Against Hate, accuses the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of failing to report the value of work it did to support Proposition 8.
A representative from the Salt Lake City-based church could not be reached for comment.
They should not have to comment. We have a little thing called the First Amendment in this Country. I know that the LWL HATES that, but we do. Not only does this PROTECT the people by given them the RIGHT to say whatever they want, it also PROTECTS THE CHURCHES FROM THE STATE. I think I may have found my Idiot of the Week already.
I will be watching this one folks. But you know, the sad truth is, this new Clinto,,I mean Obama Administration is FILLED with people JUST LIKE Roman. People that HATE the Constitution, the Freedoms that it provides, and that could not care less about the Will of the People. This is the type of thing that I have been warning you about for over two years now. This will only get worse once the new Administration takes over. Folks, you have not seen ANYTHING yet.
AP- California to investigate Mormon aid to Prop 8