Hey folks,

Just like the original, there are some here that want to play nice with this evil little idiot. They invite him to come and speak at our schools of “higher education.” They invite him to ground zero. They welcome him with a smile and hug. Yes, he smiles back. He is picturing you being tortured to death. Make no mistake about it folks.
So what is new with our evil little Idiot? He is going to Iraq on Sunday. Why? Well, Reuters gets it. Sort of. Look at the title of the article. Iran president to show off influence on Iraq visit
By Edmund Blair

The first visit by an Iranian president since the 1979 Islamic revolution aims to boost business and other ties with a country with which Iran fought an eight-year war in the 1980s.
He is taking a page right out of the Lib.s Play Book folks. Come as a friend. Tell people you have what they need. That you know better than they do. You can make it happen. That you care. Then, behind the scenes, you are quietly taken over.
But the significance of the two-day trip, say analysts and diplomats, is that it is happening at all when Washington accuses Tehran of supplying weapons to militias that are killing U.S. troops. Tehran denies such charges.

That is why Little Hitler is going. To show that he is greater than the “Great Satin.” That would be us.
At home, the Iranian president may welcome a foreign policy success to distract attention from the economy and double-digit inflation before a March parliamentary election that will test his popularity and indicate his chance for re-election in 2009.
Give me a break. Seriously? He is not going anywhere.
Iranian officials have given little advance information about the visit.
{Laughing} Did you really expect they would?
Iraqi officials have urged Washington and Tehran, which have not had diplomatic ties for almost three decades, not to use Iraq as a proxy battleground to fight out their differences, which include a row over Iran's nuclear ambitions.
The United States is pushing for a third round of U.N. sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt nuclear work Washington says is aimed at making atomic bombs. Tehran denies this.
“The influence of Iran in Iraq is very clear,” said Iranian commentator Amir Mohebian. “If the United States wants to use Iran's influence in Iraq to keep security, it is better to have good relations ... not sending the message of sanctions.”
The REALLY sad thing about this statement is? Come on. Think about it. BINGO! There are people in this country that actually believe that.
In a bid to help quell violence, Iran and the United States have held three rounds of rare face-to-face talks. But Iran put off a fourth round because of unspecified technical issues.
Ahmadinejad, a vehement U.S. critic, will want to highlight to Washington Iran's close ties with the Iraqi government, led by Shi'ite Muslims, Iran's dominant religion.
“Ahmadinejad, a vehement U.S. critic?” “Death to America!” yeah, I guess that qualifies as being a US critic.
Although Iran wants an Iraqi government with Shi'ites in charge, it is keen to have good ties with all factions. It does not want Iraq to break up, encouraging any separatists at home and leaving Iraqi Shi'ites running a small territory, analysts say.

Did you catch that? READ IT AGAIN!
“The best situation (for Iran) is a central government which is Shi'ite dominated but weak enough so it has to lean on Iran to maintain the power balance inside Iraq,” the diplomat said.
Many Iraqi politicians, mainly Shi'ite and Kurdish, spent years in exile in Iran when Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was in power. The United States accuses Iran and its Revolutionary Guards of funding, training and equipping Iraqi militias.
Iran denies a role in the violence, which it blames on the presence of U.S. troops, and says it wants a stable neighbor. But analysts say it, nevertheless, sees Iraq as a useful lever.
“They don't want (Iraq) to get out of control nor do they want it to be too comfortable for the (U.S.-led) coalition,” said Baqer Moin, a London-based Iranian analyst.
Some analysts say Iran may have used its influence with militias to help reduce bloodshed late last year as a concession to Washington when Tehran was worried about a U.S. threat to resort to force to deal with the nuclear row.
OK. How do we take that statement?
Some analysts say Iran may have used its influence with militias to help reduce bloodshed late last year as a concession to Washington when Tehran was worried about a U.S. threat to resort to force to deal with the nuclear row.
Well, one, we could take it to mean that, according to these “analysts,” the surge had little to do with the decrease in violence. It was all Iran. This is what the LWL will most likely read into this and run with it along side the conspiracy nuts.
OR? Or we could say, they DID help reduce the violence because of the threat of force. Which would mean of course, the threat of force WORKS.
Then again, we can just tell the truth. Surge worked. We kicked their derrieres right off their game plan, and in most cases, right out of the country.
Iran and Iraq have already begun talks on trade, energy cooperation and a long-running border row. The rapprochement was made possible by the U.S. toppling of Saddam Hussein, who launched the 1980-88 war in part because of the border dispute.
Iraq is weak. It is just crawling right now. The new born democracy is just being weaned. Now is the perfect time for Little Hitler to make his move. We need to watch this VERY closely.