Friday, November 09, 2007

Real Reason For The Push For Green

Hey folks,

No articles, No analyses. Just a monologue about the Global Warming Scam. Happy Friday to you. That’s right folks, I just have to talk about this. I have told you over and over again, Global Warming is nothing but Bunk. I have posted REAL Scientists telling you it’s a hoax.

We have talked about the fact that saying there is a consensus, doesn’t make it so. There was a consensus that the Earth was flat. They were all wrong. True science won out. As it will here also. There is no consensus to justify what science is NOT proven. No matter how much Al Gore tries to convince the Mass Media Drones to stop reporting the other side. You know, the truth.

So why the sudden push? Why is it so important for the “Chicken Little” crowd to convince you that it’s real? Now? I’ll give you three reasons. One? Two? I can hear some of you out there, you got it right. 08. That’s the answer. The elections are coming. 361 days to go folks. 361 days, and they are SCARED.

“Pete, what are you talking about? How can you link Global Warming with the elections?”

You want proof? OK. Sit back, close your eyes. Think about this. When did you start hearing about Global Warming in the mainstream? I’m not talking about a blurb here or there. Al Gore did a slide show like 10 or 11 years ago saying we only had 10 years left. Hello? They can not tell us for 100 percent certainty that it will rain TOMORROW. Yet they want us to believe they can tell us what will happen in a decade? Two? Even in 50 years? {Sigh}

So I’m not talking about the occasional article. I’m talking about every day. Mainstream media. I’m talking about News outlet running specials. When did this all begin? 06. Yup. Right after the 06 elections. Right after the LWL {Left Wing Loonies} took over.

You see, it’s simple. They thought that they had friends in a position to solidify their agenda. In a position to enact laws that FORCE you to accept this. Like I keep telling you, it’s all about money, control, and power. They even came right out and said, “We bought them, we own them.” They THOUGHT they would then simply coast into a position they wanted to be in.

Companies making money selling Carbon Offsets. The Government making money off of higher taxes. More Government control in your lives. They STILL think this. But ONLY if they both hold the House and Senate, and get their person in the White House in 08.

But here is the problem. Congress has about an 11 percent approval rating. Hillary is melting down. The polls are showing surprising signs. Like Huckaby doing surprisingly well. Pat Robinson endorsing Rudy. We are winning in Iraq. More and more people are fighting their agenda. They find out about it, they STOP it. SCHIP, Illegal immigration, Tax increasing on Big Tobacco to paid for healthcare. The “Fairness Doctrine.” ETC. EVERYTHING they try, they fail.

They are running scared. Why? Because they KNOW that if the American people throw them out of office, or even if they just elect a Republican President, it’s OVER. No SCHIP. No Amnesty, no TRILLION dollar tax increases. No GLOBAL WARMING.

If this DOES happen, it’s over for them. The “Chicken Little” crowd will go back under the rock and back in the shadows of which they came. So they have decided to push “Green.” NBC is doing something like “100 hours of Green.” Actors doing TV Commercials. News outlets of all types are pushing it. You are bombarded on a daily bases now with “Global Warming.” I just posted a piece that said National Security is threatened by Global Warming. That, THAT is in fact, the biggest threat.

It’s enough to make me sick. It really is. Every time I turn on NBC, and see them flying all over the world to “look at” Global Warming, my stomach turns. By the way, how big do you think their carbon footprint is by doing this? Just a side thought.

Believe it or not, they are actually attempting to create a controlled panic. They WANT you scared. The end of the world is coming. They will stop it and save you, but you have to listen to THEM. You have to keep them in power. Those evil Republicans do not care about you, or the planet. They do not care about future generations.

But they ARE scared. They know they have done NOTHING. Well, other than fail. They know their chosen and presumed candidate is falling apart. An inside source tells me that there is a push like you would not believe to get Al Gore to run. Makes sense, if you look at it with their mentality. Push the Global Warming Scam, then put the “messiah” of Global Warming in a position to save us all.

Folks, I will say this again. 08 elections are more important than you can ever possibly imagine. We are not talking just about one side winning, or losing. We are not talking about “teaching anyone a lesson.” We are beyond just talking politics. We are talking about the very society we have. America it self. We are talking about 361 days remaining.

If the dark days come. You WILL see the change. Death of Capitalism. Universal Healthcare. Amnesty, a Trillion dollar tax increase. The Fairness Doctrine to silence their opposition. Your freedoms GONE. Global Warming as a reality. America will turn into a Socialist society. That is their goal. That is their mission. There will be nothing to stop them then. Mark my words, they will EVEN make moves to ensure that they NEVER lose power again.

This is all coming. This is all happening right in front of you. You have the power to stop it. But you only have one chance. VOTE.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if it's due to all the good news coming out of Iraq.
The timing fits.

Peter said...

Hey Doug,

No doubt that is ONE main reason.