Saturday, June 10, 2006

Here We Go,,,Again,,Freedoms Stripping Away

Hey folks,

Here we go again. The Big Bad Bush Administration is coming to get you.. Your freedoms are being stripped away. Do not make any mistake about it. This is another example of President Bush stripping away your rights. Impeach Bush....... Right?

It seems that those pesky terrorists just are not playing fair. They know that the government is "illegally" tapping privet citizen’s phones. The mass media drones told them so. So why do they not continue to use the standard phone systems so we can catch them? But no, they have to go high tech. That’s not fair. Now Bush is going to start monitoring the Internet, and broadband. Now I’m going to be afraid of what "Big Brother" might see on my computer...It’s all the,,no wait,, there are NO terrorists,,yeah that’s it,,Bush is just making this up. He blew up the World Trade Center. He "created" terrorists. He did all this just to see what I’m doing...Impeach Bush...

You see folks, it turns out that a federal appeals court sided with the Bush administration Friday on an electronic surveillance issue, making it easier to tap into Internet phone calls and broadband transmissions. In a 2-1 in favor of the FCC, the courts said that equipment using the new technologies must be able to accommodate police wiretaps under the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, known as CALEA..

Here’s part of the story I love. Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy was the primary sponsor of CALEA in 1994. You know, when he LIKED the President. But NOW in 2006, he said that this ruling stretches the law to cover the internet. Have you ever heard of increasing technologies Senator? Times change and so must security.

What is so funny about this is that Senator Leahy wants so BADLY to say that this is evil and wrong. That this is stripping you of your rights. But he can’t. Why, he was the sponsor. He in essence helped to create it. So he has to find some way to say Bush is evil and wrong, using HIS creation.

Oh wait a second,, it has already begun. According to the AP,,

Jim Dempsey, policy director of the Center for Democracy & Technology, a private group, said the decision "threatens the privacy rights of innocent Americans as well as the ability of technology companies to innovate freely."

Mr Dempsey, "ability of technology companies to innovate freely."? This statement makes no sense. Have you not heard Sir, that if you put something out on the Internet, it becomes public? That’s not it. It’s the magic words that are being used here. The magic words that always create an explosive response for the fringe looneys. "Sided with Bush".

Notice how noone is bringing this up? According to Charles R. Smith’s article printed Jan. 18th 2006, at,

In 1993 Al Gore was charged by then President Bill Clinton to run the "Clipper" project. Clipper was a special chip designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) to be built into all phones, computers and fax machines. Not only would Clipper provide scrambled security, it also contained a special "exploitable feature" enabling the NSA to monitor all phone calls without a court order.

In 1993, VP Al Gore went to work with a top secret group of Clinton advisers, called the IWG or Interagency Working Group, and delivered a report on the Clipper project.

"Simply stated, the nexus of the long term problem is how can the government sustain its technical ability to accomplish electronic surveillance in an advanced telecommunications environment," states the TOP SECRET report prepared by Gore's Interagency Working Group.

Notice how back then, no one seemed to care. But NOW that it’s Bush, it is evil. Can you say hypocrites boys and girls?

Yes this story is slowly breaking. Just wait til Monday when all the normal talking heads, and the mass media drones get a hold of it. Forget al-Zarqawi, Bush is listening to your internet calls. Impeach Bush.


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the comments from those that seem to forget when a democrat does something that was perfectly permissible under their party but holler bloody murder when it is later used by the other party?

Speaking as an independent, I find it “humorous” when I see either side lambaste the other for wrongs when if the situation was reversed would be on the other side of the argument defending their party.

If one looks at the posts that have made the most relevance lately on ETP is that you are seeing once again the fringe or hard line democrats, oh I forgot, the proclaimed independents, who can't seem to find a democrat that they dislike, who have once again driven their myopic view of the world to the top by proclaiming that there is no war on terrorism or for that fact terrorism at all unless there were a democrat in office or those who want to rewrite history to their viewpoint.

It seems that to some religion is a bad thing and that drugs should be legalized. There is a theme here in that if we would follow all the liberal wants that our society would become so disabled that we as a nation would be destroyed.

The fact of the matter is that there needs to be a balance to things and many of these hard core followers of what they think society should be would be jus as upset if their world would come into being.

Then we have those who are so blind that they think that people are all basically good in nature and just can not get it into their head that if those same people they want to forgive would in a heart beat cut their throat 8f given the chance. These people are so oblivious to reality that it would take a personal tragedy to make them face reality or to have one of these GOOD PEOPLE personally hold a knife to their throat or their loved ones before they would see reality.


Peter said...

Hey Sam,

“Speaking as an independent, I find it “humorous” when I see either side lambaste the other for wrongs when if the situation was reversed would be on the other side of the argument defending their party.”


I know exactly what you are talking about. You have to remember though Sam, they get most of their information fed to them by the Mass Media Drones. The MMD contentiously hammers us on a daily bases with negative news about the war, and anything that has to do with the President. Very rarely do they report ANYTHING even remotely positive that the President does. Unless of course, they HAVE too.

This is what the Far Left Fringe WANTS you to believe. There is no good. Not in the War, nor the here in America, and it is ALL President Bush's fault. There are some still saying that President Bush is responsible for the “Rotten" Economy. The problem is, the economy is GREAT. Better then it has been in years. So if he is responsible for the “Rottenness”, then would he not be responsible for the GREAT? This they will never say.

“It seems that to some religion is a bad thing and that drugs should be legalized. There is a theme here in that if we would follow all the liberal wants that our society would become so disabled that we as a nation would be destroyed.”

It does boggle the intelligent mind. Doesn’t it Sam?

“The fact of the matter is that there needs to be a balance to things and many of these hard core followers of what they think society should be would be just as upset if their world would come into being.”

Again, an excellent point. This is why I have been hitting the LWL, and those that are more reasonable, so hard. There does need to be a balance in Government. One party with complete control is dangerous. But they just “assume" that I’m a Right Wing Radicle Nut that just wants to attack them. I would like to think that they should know me better than that by now. But if not now then probably never.

“Then we have those who are so blind that they think that people are all basically good in nature and just can not get it into their head that if those same people they want to forgive would in a heart beat cut their throat if given the chance. These people are so oblivious to reality that it would take a personal tragedy to make them face reality or to have one of these GOOD PEOPLE personally hold a knife to their throat or their loved ones before they would see reality.”

Yes. These are part of the “Anything Goes” and the “Do as you will” crowd. No one is responsible for their own actions. You must love everyone. There is no Evil in the world. You know Sam, I truly believe one of the main reasons for this is simple. If there is no Evil, then there is no need for God. Get the point?

Thanks for participating. You have added some great points to the conversation. Stop by any time, and often. I try to post new stuff on a nearly daily bases.