Sunday, August 05, 2007

No Reason For Surveillance in The US?

Hey folks,

One reason why I have no problem with the Surveillance Programs, Domestic or otherwise?

American al Qaeda member Adam Yahiye Gadahn. According to (CNN) -- U.S. Embassies and American interests "at home and abroad" are prime targets for terrorist attacks, American al Qaeda member Adam Yahiye Gadahn said in a newly released al Qaeda-produced video.

"We shall continue to target you at home and abroad just as you target us at home and abroad ... ," Gadahn -- also known as Azzam the American -- says in the video provided to CNN by, a Web site that analyzes terrorism.

Later in the video, which is about an hour long and takes the form of a documentary, the self-proclaimed American jihadist makes explicit threats against the United States and U.S. interests, singling out embassies and consulates.

"These spy dens and military command and control centers -- from which you plotted your aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and which still provide vital moral, military, material and logistical support to the crusade -- shall continue to be legitimate targets for brave Muslims ... until and unless you heed our demands: Stop the crusade and leave the Muslims alone," he said.

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told CNN that investigators are analyzing the video for any indication of Gadahn's whereabouts.

"The increased messaging from al Qaeda could represent different things and our analytical personnel, working with (intelligence community) partners, review every message for clues and leads," Kolko said.

He noted that the content of Gadahn's message is nothing new.

"There is no shortage of al Qaeda making noise that they intend to attack the U.S. or its interests overseas," Kolko said. "We are concerned, but that is why we do our job every day."

Enough said. He may be nuts, but he is an American al- Qaeda member. Where there is one, you get the point.

CNN -Al Qaeda member: U.S. embassies prime targets

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