Sunday, March 07, 2010

IWA For Sunday 030710

Who is the Brain Dead Whore Now?

Hey folks,

This is to funny. Our IWA Winner last week is out. He says that he is taking a leave of absence. Problem is, there is no Leave of Absence in the House Rules You are either in or out. Well, he is out. So the geniuses in the House, selected our Idiot THIS Week, to take Rangel's place as Head of the Ways and Means Committee.

So who is Pete Stark? Well, he has acquired the nickname, Pete Stark raven mad. The guy is a Moron with a short fuse. Even his fellow Democrats call him a loose cannon with a history of off-color remarks. Lets see.

Stark called the Blue-Dog Democrats "Brain Dead." Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Colo.) a Wimp and a Fruit Cake. Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-Conn.) of being a Whore for the Insurance Industry. This is the same guy that once said that President George W. Bush sent troops to Iraq to get their Heads blown off for his amusement.

Yeah this guy is a model picture of a non-parti,,,I can't even kid. This guy is a lunatic. He has no intellect whatsoever. This is why he resorts to this type of behaviour. He's a nut.

Stark had inappropriately applied for a homestead tax exemption in Maryland even though his official residence is in California. Then, get this.

When the Office of Congressional Ethics staff came to Stark’s second-floor Cannon office in July 2009, investigators noticed a video camera recording — but Stark had not informed the interviewers that he had the camera running.

As the interview went on, Stark was contradictory in his answers to the investigators from the OCE, which is an outside congressional office and does not have the same power as the House ethics committee.

“Throughout the interview, Rep. Stark was extremely belligerent and frequently insulted the OCE staff members interviewing him,” Kedric Payne, the investigative counsel, wrote in a memorandum deep in the 122-page report. “Approximately 15 minutes into the interview, it also became apparent to the OCE interviewers that Rep. Stark was videotaping the exchange.” It is not standard for members to record interviews with the OCE, but members have the option of having a court reporter present for interviews.

So what happened? They replaced HIM. {Laughing} That has to be the shortest Position of Power ever held by a Democrat in Office. He was replaced by Sander Levin (D-Michigan).

So congrat,,, WAIT!!! Pete? Uh, never mind. Congratulations Pete Stark. For you being, well, you, and having the shortest career in history, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Maybe you should insult those that fired you this time? {Smile} It works so well for you.


Politico - Pete Stark's bizarre ethics interview
SF Gate - Sander Levin replaces Pete Stark and Charles Rangel during ethics investigation

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