Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More Evidence Of Media Controlled / Stem Cells

Hey folks,

Now you true OPNers know that I have purposely avoided this topic. I do not see the point in killing babies to help others. Actually, I feel that is a pretty arrogant and elitist to think that it would be ok to kill a baby so that they can profit from it. I touched on it one time a while back, simply because someone asked me my opinion of Michael J Fox’s commercial. I said,

"As far as the whole Michael J Fox thing goes. It is a political ad. It is not factual. Embryonic Stem Cells are NOT going to cure Parkinson’s Disease. As a matter of fact, they have caused brain tumors in the rats they were put in. I do know Parkinson’s VERY well. My Grandfather had it. He did not have the modern advances that are benefitting Mr. Fox today. He has a right to voice his opinion. Even if it is completely misleading and incorrect. This is strictly political. Yet another distraction."

I keep getting asked what I think. Especially yesterday when this new study came out saying,

"Scientists reported yesterday that they had found a plentiful source of stem cells in the fluid that cushions babies in the womb and produced a variety of tissue types from these cells, sidestepping the public fight over destroying embryos for research.

Researchers at Wake Forest University and Harvard University reported that the stem cells they drew from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much the same promise as embryonic stem cells.

They reported that they were able to extract the stem cells without harm to mother or unborn baby and turn their discovery into several tissue cell types, including brain, liver and bone. "Our hope is that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs as well," said Dr. Anthony Atala, head of Wake Forest regenerative medicine institute and senior researcher on the project."

Couple this with the fact that there is NO hope whatsoever that Embryonic stem cells will do ANYTHING. There is HOPE and some positive signs in adult stem cells. It’s from YOU. Used to treat YOU. This has scientific promise. Even this article says,

"In the latest work, Dr. Atala's team extracted a small number of stem cells swimming among the many other cell types in the amniotic fluid. One of the more promising aspects of the research is that some of the DNA of the amnio stem cells contained Y chromosomes, meaning the cells came from the babies rather than the pregnant mothers.

Dr. George Daley, a Harvard University stem-cell researcher, said that finding raises the prospect that someday expectant parents can freeze amnio stem cells for future tissue replacement in a sick child without fear of immune rejection."

"without fear of immune rejection"
because it comes from the child. It is HIM / HER. So with this new study, and with all the promise of the adult stem cell end of it, WHY is the LWL trying to oppose it? What did they say to this Doctor, and why are they admonishing the Mass Media Drones?

The answer is simple. They want NO other possibilities discussed other than Embryonic stem cells. Why? Because for Embryonic stem cells, you must kill babies. They have linked this together with the abortion issue. Don’t believe me?

Just one day removed from his original announcement, after someone got to him, the good Doctor NOW says,

"Some may be interpreting my research as a substitute for the need to pursue other forms of regenerative medicine therapies, such as those involving embryonic stem cells. I disagree with that assertion," wrote Anthony Atala of Wake Forest University, the author of a study published this week and widely seized upon by opponents of embryonic stem cell research as a more moral option.

Atala and other researchers reported Sunday that the stem cells they drew from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much the same promise as embryonic stem cells.

In a letter to sponsors of legislation up for a House vote Thursday, Atala wrote that it was "essential that National Institutes of Health-funded researchers are able to fully pursue embryonic stem cell research as a complement to research into other forms of stem cells."

{Laughing} Are you kidding me? He just said they are the same thing. BUT, it is "essential that National Institutes of Health-funded researchers are able to fully pursue embryonic stem cell research as a complement to research into other forms of stem cells." Someone got to him.

What about the press that is reporting this? The LWL were not happy. They are getting bolder and bolder. They do not even try to hide it anymore. I have been talking about this for a while now. Hence the name MMD {Mass Media Drones} They write what they are told. I started adding examples, I stopped. There are too many. If you want, type in MMD in the "Search blog" and you’ll be busy for a while.

But they have purposely omitting or down played anything that the Guru says to. They have been attacking and reporting, in some cases completely fabricated, on the Republicans and anything Bush. They do not even hide it anymore. Since they feel they got the LWL in power, which they did, they feel they have cart blanch now. Since they have been taking orders from the Democrats,,,,remember this?

Then we found out about this. ABC’s "The Note." said,

"The Old Media -- giddy with excitement over the prospect of the Bush-Cheney-Rove-Mehlman machine losing, filled with guilt over complicity in an Iraq war it wants ended, flush with anticipation over two years of anti-Bush leaks from a gavel-wielding Henry Waxman, and substantially more interested in revelations about congressional pages than in trying to tell voters the truth about whether or not the economy is strong and getting stronger -- can barely contain itself on its secret morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros, during which it was agreed just this morning that, yes, we can keep the meta-narrative ('The Democrats are going to beat Bush and run Congress!!') going for another 19 days, without interruption."

Secrete morning conference calls with Howard Dean and the MMD Guru George Soros? Well the MMD must have missed this one. They reported that there is now another method that has the SAME EXACT properties as embryotic stem cells. The Looneys didn’t take it well. As a matter of fact, Tom Harkin, Democrat Senator from Iowa came right out and said,

"In the future, I urge those of you in the media to beware of over-hyping incremental advances in stem cell research, especially when they're published on the eve of a congressional debate. So many opponents of our bill are now breathlessly touting this new study as if it makes all other forms of stem cell research irrelevant. It would be irresponsible from a scientific perspective and cruel to millions of Americans who are suffering from diseases like juvenile diabetes and ALS and Parkinson's, spinal cords [sic] injuries, to abandon efforts to lift the president's arbitrary restrictions on embryonic stem cell research on the basis of a single new journal article, and that's all it is."

Oh no! The MMD reported something that they did not get permission to report. An even bigger violation is that it was done on the eve of a congressional debate. So now they are making sure that they are adding in all their reports, "This should not down play the importance of continued embryonic stem cell research."

You see folks, Abortion is one of their main base staples. If they admit that ANYTHING could replace that option, or in some way seem to be saying they chose something over the ending of a child's life, then they feel that their base will reject them because they start a slippery slop down to end Abortion. They CAN’T have that.

Washington Post-Stem cells found plentiful in amniotic fluid
TBO-House Resumes Stem Cell Research Debate

Rush Limbaugh
Houston Chronicle -House resumes stem cell research debate

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