Friday, September 08, 2006

Bush Assassinated OK / Clinton Incompetent? Can’t Have That.

Hey folks,

A follow up on the story I told you about yesterday. The new "Path to 9-11" movie is really stirring up some ulcers on the Clinton side. The MMD {Mass Media Drones for those who need a little extra help in understanding} falling in line. You cannot make this stuff up. Like I said, Should be interesting to watch, I can’t wait. Should also be interesting to watch the fallout as well. I was wrong about that. Yes folks, I made a mistake. I forgot to mention the jump up.

Like I also said, make a movie about Bush, the CURRENT President being assassinated, that’s OK. That’s artistic. That’s freedom of speech. That is great, everyone should go to see the movie. But make a movie about how Clinton was incompetent, aiding in the 9-11 attacks out of sheer ignorance, I know, he was busy with other things, and you get what we are getting. What happened to be artistic? What happened to freedom of speech. What happened to a "must see"? Now it appears that ABC is having their broadcase license threatened.

There are WAY too many articles and news out lets out there reporting this to link to. I’m just going to highlight some quotes. And comment on this stupidity in general.

Get this, in the past week, Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, Clinton Foundation head Bruce Lindsey and Clinton adviser Douglas Band wrote in the past week to Robert Iger, CEO of ABC's parent The Walt Disney Co., to express their {LOL} concerns over this movie. What is their concern? STRICTLY one thing, the Clinton legacy. That’s it. They HAVE to be concerned. Their legacy is built on nothing more than media spin.

"By ABC's own standard, ABC has gotten it terribly wrong," Lindsey and Band said in their letter.

"The content of this drama is factually and incontrovertibly inaccurate and ABC has a duty to fully correct all errors or pull the drama entirely. It is unconscionable to mislead the American public about one of the most horrendous tragedies our country has ever known."

LOL this is too much. Translation folks, "Don’t make us look bad. We worked hard in covering this all up, change things around so we can blame Bush. After all Sandy Berger got paper cuts, where noone should EVER get paper cuts, trying to cover this up. You CAN"T show this."

They go on and on about how this and that never happened. We are suppose to believe them all NOW? Clinton lied under oath about having sex. You really think he wouldn’t lie about helping to cause three thousand American deaths and putting us in a WAR, through his complete incompetence?

Then you have former congressman Joe Scarborough trying to create a conspiracy. He said,

"ABC is refusing to provide a copy of the miniseries to President Clinton, his former National Security Advisor Sandy Burglar and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, but has given Rush Limbaugh a copy of the tape. Bill Clinton was not allowed to watch this, but Rush Limbaugh says, Clinton's working behind the scenes to get the film reedited that Limbaugh saw."

He IS folks, and ABC caved. They are editing it as we speak.The Times reported that ABC was considering last-minute changes to the film.

"It is common practice to continue to make edits to strengthen a project right up to the broadcast date," Hope Hartman, an ABC spokeswoman, told the Times.

Especially when you cave in. The MMD guru must have had enough with the nagging.

I know, I know you are thinking. Well, CBS dropped a four hour miniseries about the Reagans in 2003, after Republican and conservative groups complained about its portrayal of the former President and First Lady. "The Reagans" later aired on cable's Showtime channel. Hey there you go. Leave the movie as is, you know, complete with the truth still intact, put it on Showtime. Then ABC is off the hook, and those who want to watch it, can see what it IS suppose to be like.

Now keep in mind this important fact, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, a Republican who chaired the 9/11 commission and served as a consultant for the ABC miniseries, defended the production as politically balanced. He said,

"People in both parties didn't particularly like the commission report, and I think people in both parties aren't going to love this one." He is talking about day two, which noone has seen yet.

The movie focuses on the TERRORIST. Not placing sole blame on either party. But, some of the facts must be hitting home with some knee shaking, quivering, little looneys. They do not want this to even be put out. They want Robert Iger, to "cancel this factually inaccurate and deeply misguided program."

I’m not sure how much more of this one I can take. This is absolutely side busting funny. There HAS to be some truth to this. Why else would they be fighting so very hard to continue they coving up?

One of the real tell tail signs of why they are so upset about this, besides defending their spun legacy, is what some Democrats are actually saying. Same thing they are saying about President Bush announcing the "Secret Prisons".

Jane Harman (Democrat, California) said,

"I disagree with the timing of this rollout. I'd also point out that for years those of us who have taken an oath to protect classified information have never disclosed anything we know, and now on day one of the final two months leading up to the election, the president dumps it all out there and talks about 14 people who are, in my view, uh, serious, heinous criminals. So I'm not soft on any of these people, but what I am saying is that Congress has a constitutional responsibility to protect the Constitution, to protect the laws we've passed, and to make certain that whatever process applies to these people will, uh, in our eyes and the world's eyes, ah, seem to be fair."

She said, "I disagree with the timing of this rollout", and "and now on day one of the final two months leading up to the election, the president dumps it all out there and talks about 14 people who are, in my view, uh,"

Yes Mis Harman, "uh". President Bush pulled a fast one. Yes Mis. Harman, the docudrama is coming out two months before the elections. "Uh" Mis Harman? When did the 9-11 attacks occur?

Oh and the Guru word of the day seems to be "jujitsu", for those that might have missed that. Over and over again, in various outlets, "jujitsu" seems to be the definition of the President’s announcement. But no, they do not work together.

OFF TOPIC, OFF TOPIC. Sorry folks. Like I keep saying, it is amazing to me that a movie depicting the CURRENT, SITTING, President being assassinated is OK, but this movie, depicting the events leading up to the worst terrorist attack EVER on US soil is BAD. Needs to be pulled. Do not show that.

I’m way long here, so I have to go. I guarantee you this though, this, is not the end of the story. I hope ABC grows some, and puts it on as it was meant to be seen. I doubt it, but I would hope then that either via DVD or cable, they DO release the "unedited" version. Let the people decide AFTER they watch it.

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