Wednesday, August 30, 2006

American Poverty, According to The U.S. Census Bureau

Hey folks,

A new report out from The U.S. Census Bureau yesterday says that one person in every eight lived in poverty last year. So I guess if you know eight people, you should be helping one that is destitute. According to
this article

"In the world's biggest economy, one in eight Americans and almost one in four blacks lived in poverty last year, the U.S. Census Bureau said on Tuesday, both ratios virtually unchanged from 2004.

The survey also showed 15.9 percent of the population, or 46.6 million, had no health insurance, up from 15.6 percent in 2004 and an increase for a fifth consecutive year, even as the economy grew at a 3.2 percent clip."

As you read this article, I want you to see that this is nothing more than a political move in an election time. It is not even close to the truth. Please allow me to point out some things.

"It was the first year since President George W. Bush took office in 2001 that the poverty rate did not increase. As in past years, the figures showed poverty especially concentrated among blacks and Hispanics."

OK, first, as with all things, the poverty rate must be Bush’s fault. Or so they want you to believe this. Although they admit, that the economy GREW. Then notice how it "points out" that Whites are better off than Blacks, so if the poverty rate is Bush’s fault, than he is favoring Whites. Translation. "Bush doesn’t care about blacks"

I love this,

"In all, some 37 million Americans, or 12.6 percent, lived below the poverty line, defined as having an annual income around $10,000 for an individual or $20,000 for a family of four."

Let’s leave out the logical question. "Who are the people?" Are they the "Norm" or are they kids work part time? Maybe waitresses making under mininum wage for tips sake? Is the Hispanic population including or excluding illegals? Exactly who is including in the "study" and how is it calculated? But here is the funny part,

" The total showed a decrease of 90,000 from the 2004 figure, which Census Bureau officials said was "statistically insignificant.""

Yes folks, 90,000 people no longer living in "poverty" is insignificant. Oh wait, here you go,

"The last time poverty declined was in 2000, the final year of Bill Clinton's presidency, when it fell to 11.3 percent."

Clinton {Left} good, care about blacks, good for the economy. Bush {Right}bad, don’t care about blacks, bad for the economy. Sorry folks, this report is complete BS. If you have any doubt, listen to what Rep. George Miller of California, the top Democrat on the House Education and Workforce Committee said.

"Far too many American families who work hard and play by the rules still wind up living in poverty,"


"Among African Americans the problem correlates primarily to the inner-city and single mothers," said Michael Tanner of CATO Institute, a free-market think tank in Washington. He noted that blacks also suffer disproportionately from poor education and lower quality jobs."

How many people do you know that only make ten thousand a year? You make more than that making minimum wage. You know, if you make less than minimum wage, your employer is violated federal law.

So where did they get these numbers? Who was in the "study"? Why is a decrease "unchanged"? The numbers do not lie. We are in the best economy we have been in years. The numbers used here are clearly questionable. Numbers do not lie, unfortunately, sometimes those putting the numbers together, do.


Anonymous said...

oh, to live in your world would be great. I mean it. "whitemaleland". No social ills exist poverty,no global warming ( cuz if you do not believe in something it does not exist)the government in whitemaleland is at war but that is ok because it furthers the whitemale agenda.They have never broken a law because they write laws to suit their needs. In whitemaleland you can pay all of your bills with no help from others and you are to always believe everything your leader tells you. In whitemaleland they teach you how to deal with those who don't agree. The key is to call them names and dissmiss the offending idea as untruth. If they then continue to disagree with you do some research and point out only those facts that support your point ( any other FACT must be a lie because you do not believe it)
In whitemaleland the economy is going great and you can say that because you see and know all.
Yes I really want to live in that world. Problem is I can't seem to find the map to there from the REAL world.

Anonymous said...

oh, to live in your world would be great. I mean it. "whitemaleland". No social ills exist poverty,no global warming ( cuz if you do not believe in something it does not exist)the government in whitemaleland is at war but that is ok because it furthers the whitemale agenda.They have never broken a law because they write laws to suit their needs. In whitemaleland you can pay all of your bills with no help from others and you are to always believe everything your leader tells you. In whitemaleland they teach you how to deal with those who don't agree. The key is to call them names and dissmiss the offending idea as untruth. If they then continue to disagree with you do some research and point out only those facts that support your point ( any other FACT must be a lie because you do not believe it)
In whitemaleland the economy is going great and you can say that because you see and know all.
Yes I really want to live in that world. Problem is I can't seem to find the map to there from the REAL world.

Peter said...

LOL Welcome to the OPN Betty.

I just saw your comments, but I'm out of time right now. I'll try to respond to you soon.

Peter said...

Hey Betty,

I stopped in the office tonight, just to respond to you. Your comments have been ringing in the back of my head on and off all day. {Smile}

Hey folks, what you do not know is this is not the first time I’ve talked to Betty. She has emailed me several times to tell me how much of an idiot I am. {Smile} This is the first time that she has actually come onto the OPN to tell me off. I’m starting to think we may have to change that. To make it easier for her to do so. So let’s see Betty. You said ,

“oh, to live in your world would be great. I mean it.”

It’s easy, it’s called realitiy.


LOL. Do I take it that you are not a “white man”? Just joking.

“No social ills exist poverty”

Never said there were none.

“no global warming”

That’s true

"the government in whitemaleland is at war but that is ok because it furthers the whitemale agenda.They have never broken a law because they write laws to suit their needs.”

We are at war because those we are warring with want us dead.

“In whitemaleland you can pay all of your bills with no help from others and you are to always believe everything your leader tells you”

Again, never said that.

“In whitemaleland they teach you how to deal with those who don't agree. The key is to call them names and dismiss the offending idea as untruth.”

That is EXACTLY out of the LWL play book. Attack without any substance whatsoever. I “correct” those I do not agree with, backing what I say with FACTS and substance.

“If they then continue to disagree with you do some research and point out only those facts that support your point ( any other FACT must be a lie because you do not believe it)”

Facts that say one thing, against facts that say another thing, ensure one of those “facts” is simply not true. Either thought to be true but proven wrong, or a lie from the beginning. There is only ONE truth. Some facts support that truth, others are just plain incorrect. {That would be wrong for those who need a little extra help in understanding.}

“In whitemaleland the economy is going great and you can say that because you see and know all.”

First I love the map thing, but in the interest of time and space. I’ll just respond to this. How many people do YOU know, truthfully, that are adults, in a full time job, making less than ten thousand dollars a year? How many household incomes {Again for those special people, that would be more than one person in the household working and bringing home a paycheck} do YOU know making less than twenty thousand? My point of this article is it is complete BS. The numbers used are SERIOUSLY questionable.

Did you happen to, because you seem the type that would, see the New York Times article “Economy Grew Faster Than Expected”

“The American economy grew more quickly in the second quarter than the government had initially estimated, and inflation was slightly lower, the Commerce Department reported today.”


“Perhaps the biggest surprise in today’s report was a surge in wage-and-salary income during the first half of this year. Between the fourth quarter of last year and the second quarter of 2006, it grew at an annual rate of about 7 percent, after adjusting for inflation, up from an earlier estimate of 4 percent, according to MFR, a consulting firm in New York.

As a result, wages and salaries no longer make up their smallest share of the gross domestic product since World War II. They accounted for 46.1 percent of economic output in the second quarter, down from a high of 53.6 percent in 1970 but up from 45.4 percent last year.”

Hmm, let’s see, economy good, salaries up? Just like I’ve been saying. Look Betty, I’m not saying there are no poor people in this country. I’m not “well off”, I know the value of a dollar. I’m not Rush sitting in some Ivory tower somewhere, although he does live pretty close to me, I do my own shopping, pay my own bills. I understand.

But this report says one in eight Americans live in poverty. One and four Blacks live in poverty. This is what I call into question. I know more than eight people. I know more than four black folks. I know NOONE that makes less than ten thousand dollar a year, unless you count my 14 year old Niece that I pay to babysit parttime. That should not count in a report evaluating the overall American Economy. Neither should those that should not be working to begin with.

You do not need a map, you already live here. You just need to take off the liberal tinted shades, and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

a quick response to one of your points, the rest will have to wait til I have more time.
I made a little more than 10 grand last year. Out of work with a back injury and then surgery for 3 months.part time thru recovery and then unemployed when I did not fully recover. It happens to the best of us. with no other income to support my daughter things were VERY tight.I met many people with trouble finding a living wage while going thru the unempoyed phase. I live in a major city with a huge workforce and few jobs. I'll plow thru the rest of your ideas later. AND one last thing, just because YOU believe something does not make it the "truth" it simply is an opinion.
gotta go

Anonymous said...

ok, you win, In your social circle there are no poor people. The income level where you live is at an accepable level for all that you know. That must mean that these FACTS are false. Peter does not know them = they do not exist.
still reading, do not have the cut and paste thing down yet so you may get many replies to the same post. FAIR WARNING!

Peter said...

I understand Betty,

Believe me, I know all about time restrictions. I await your further response, but did you even attempt to see the numbers and facts about the economy?

I'm sorry to hear of your back situation, but this, out on workers comp, or partime due to injury, should not be a factor and cannot correctly gauge American economy.

Anonymous said...

true, the question you asked me was if I personally knew anyone who made $10,000 a year and the answer was yes,me.And that included the little bit workers comp paid. I met many people with many different stories who were in the same boat I was. the overall economic picture is that of varied stories like mine and yours with a few rich people thrown in. As to the question have I even looked into the facts and # on the economy. Yes I have, I trust you and I see the same numbers and facts thru different color glasses.I see REALITY and you seem to see what the leader wants you to see.